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于 2009-10-21 发布 文件大小:372KB
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说明:  随着多媒体、网络技术的迅速发展,图像信息的应用日益广泛,对规模越来越大的图像数据库、可视信息进行有效的管理成为迫切需要解决的问题,灵活、高效、准确的图像检索策略是解决这一问题的关键技术之一。因此,基于内容的图像检索已成为国内外学者研究的主要热点问题,并取得了不少的成果。 本文主要对当今热门的基于内容的图像检索技术进行了研究,重点对它的算法进行研究。在半年的时间里,通过查阅很多相关的资料,并认真学习了基于内容的图像检索的基本理论,特别是深入研究了颜色直方图理论和累加直方图算法,最后在MATLAB平台下编程实现此系统,该系统可以实现基本图像检索的功能,根据用户输入的样本图像来与图像库中的图像进行特征匹配,然后找出与样本图像距离比较小的若干幅图像,并按照图像之间的距离由小到大的顺序显示给用户。 经过对该系统进行反复的调试运行后,该系统所实现的功能基本达到了设计目标,并且运行良好。当用户提供出所要查询的关键图后,系统就可以从用户提供的图像库中检索到与关键图相似的图片并排序返回给用户,达到了预期效果。 (With the rapid development of the multimedia and the network technology, the image information becomes more widely available, increasing the size of the image database, visual information for effective management of an urgent need to address the problem, flexible, efficient and accurate image retrieval strategy solve this problem one of the key technologies. The researchers are so keen on Content-Based Image Retrieval that they have made much progress. In this paper, today s popular content-based image retrieval technology is analyzed. And it mainly focuses on the research of its algorithm. In a period of half a year, Through access to relevant information and to seriously study the content-based image retrieval of the basic theory, in particular, in-depth study of the color histogram theory and cumulative histogram algorithm. Finally, this system should be implemented under the platform of the MATLAB by programming. In this system, the basic image retrieval functions can be achieved.)



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