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于 2010-06-06 发布 文件大小:1628KB
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  非常全的PPT元素,适合做各类报告,可以使你的ppt变得更加多元化。(PPT elements)





0 个回复

  • matlab7.0tongjichuli
    高阶累积书籍,包含了双谱,1.5维谱的讲解和编程,值得拥有(High-end accumulation of books, including the bispectrum, lectures and programming 1.5 dimensional spectrum, worth having)
    2016-10-14 09:59:52下载
    关于pelco协议的具体介绍,包括pelco_D和pelco_P,列表形式很直观、易懂。(Pelco agreement on specific presentations, including pelco_D and pelco_P, in tabular form is very intuitive, easy to understand.)
    2010-02-05 15:36:22下载
  • Python灰帽子中文
    说明:  python灰帽子入门,主要讲反汇编以及IDAPRO的插件编写(python for security for beginners)
    2018-12-30 16:10:35下载
  • TeraCopy 3.26_Free
    second first methal as der
    2018-02-10 06:32:04下载
  • danpianjiwaiwenfanyi
    单片机的毕业论文的外文翻译,字数3000左右,希望对大家有所帮助。(SCM dissertation foreign language translation, 3000 words , we want to help everyone.)
    2010-03-11 21:03:56下载
    说明:  pscad的实验教程,很详细,有很多注意的小细节(the experiment examples for pscademtdc)
    2010-03-18 14:02:19下载
  • 我的第一本算法
    说明:  本书采用大量图片,通过详细的分步讲解,以直观、易懂的方式展现了7个数据结构和26个基础算法的基本原理。第1章介绍了链表、数组、栈等7个数据结构;从第2章到第7章,分别介绍了和排序、查找、图论、安全、聚类等相关的26个基础算法,内容涉及冒泡排序、二分查找、广度优先搜索、哈希函数、迪菲 - 赫尔曼密钥交换、k-means 算法等。 本书没有枯燥的理论和复杂的公式,而是通过大量的步骤图帮助读者加深对数据结构原理和算法执行过程的理解,便于学习和记忆。将本书作为算法入门的第一步,是非常不错的选择。(This book uses a large number of pictures, through detailed step-by-step explanation, in an intuitive and easy to understand way to show the basic principles of 7 data structures and 26 basic algorithms. Chapter 1 introduces seven data structures such as linked list, array and stack; from Chapter 2 to Chapter 7, 26 basic algorithms related to sorting, searching, graph theory, security and clustering are introduced respectively, including bubble sorting, binary searching, breadth first search, hash function, Diffie Herman key exchange, K-means algorithm, etc. This book does not have boring theory and complex formula, but through a large number of step diagrams to help readers deepen the understanding of data structure principle and algorithm execution process, easy to learn and remember. This book as the first step of the algorithm, is a very good choice.)
    2021-03-31 19:19:06下载
  • Python黑帽子 黑客与渗透测试编程之道
    介绍了python黑客功防所需要使用的各个技术,及其方法(python Hacker defence)
    2019-07-09 17:39:02下载
  • Algorithm_In_The_Real_World
    这本书涵盖了UC Berkeley秋季的算法课程“Algorithm In The Real World”的各种算法笔记。其中包括压缩算法,密码算法,N-boby模拟,生物学匹配模式,索引和聚类等。是一本比较全面的介绍算法在实际世界中相关应用的书。(This book covers the fall of the algorithm UC Berkeley course " Algorithm In The Real World" notes a variety of algorithms. These include compression algorithms, cryptographic algorithms, N-boby simulation, biology matching pattern, index, and clustering and so on. Is a more comprehensive introduction to the relevant algorithms in the real world application of the book.)
    2010-02-04 18:39:19下载
  • 介绍SAS语言 The little SAS book
    《The Little SAS Book 中文版》以大量实例、清晰简明的解释以及尽可能少的术语来介绍SAS语言,且大部分的功能均来自Base SAS。Base SAS包含了所有程序员所使用的核心功能。(The Little SAS Book Chinese Edition introduces SAS language with a large number of examples, clear and concise explanations and as few terms as possible, and most of its functions come from Base SAS. Base SAS contains the core functions used by all programmers.)
    2020-06-18 03:40:01下载
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