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于 2009-04-12 发布 文件大小:7304KB
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  eMule电驴的源代码 编译说明(推荐使用Visual Studio .NET 2003) 1.将rcdll.dll复制到Visual Studio .NET 2003安装目录的Vc7in目录中。(这是为了使用能在vista下显示的图标) 2.打开easyMule_Libs.sln,执行“生成解决方案”。(easyMule_Libs.sln里所包含的是easyMule所依赖的库文件。) 3.打开easyMule.sln编译即可。(the source code of eMule Compiling instruction (recommend to use Visual Studio .NET 2003) 1.Copy rcdll.dll to Vc7in under the installation directory of Visual Studio .NET 2003.(in order to use special icons under Vista) 2.Open easyMule_Libs.sln and execute build solution .(easyMule_Libs.sln contains libraries which easyMule depends on) 3.Open easyMule.sln and compile it.)



0 个回复

  • DAG
    绘制前驱图,主要功能有绘制结点,删除结点以及与结点相连的边,保存前驱图(failed to translate)
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  • zutaijiankong
    一个组态监控的界面源码,原来网上下的有BUG,这个是修正后的还是挺实用的(A source interface configuration monitoring, the original BUG online, this is corrected quite useful)
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