首页 » Matlab » CDMA多用户检测中传统检测器,解相关检测器,LMS检测器,以及bp网络多用户检测器的程序...


于 2022-02-25 发布 文件大小:8.11 kB
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CDMA多用户检测中传统检测器,解相关检测器,LMS检测器,以及bp网络多用户检测器的程序-CDMA multi-user detection traditional detector, decorrelation detector, LMS detector, bp network and multi-user detector procedure



0 个回复

  • irregularities
    轨道不平顺的matlab代码,包括竖向和水平向两个代码文件。读入的为要求轨道长度,时间,时间间隔。简单(Matlab code track irregularities, including vertical and horizontal to the two code file. Read for requirements of rail length, time, time interval. simple)
    2015-01-26 21:28:55下载
  • MATLAB-microcontroller
    基于MATLAB与单片机的测控系统设计,:提出一种基于MATLAB与单片机的教学测楦系统的设计方法。通建MATLAB自带的通信粪可以方便的和单片机串口 进行通讯,实现对下位机采集的教据进行分析处理。利用MATLAB软件提供的GUI可以设计出一套友好的人机界面实现对单片机测控系统的实时控制。(MATLAB microcontroller-based monitoring and control system design)
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  • EZW
    mbedded Zerotrees of Wavelet transforms (EZW) is a lossy image compression algorithm. At low bit rates, i.e. high compression ratios, most of the coefficients produced by a subband transform (such as the wavelet transform) will be zero, or very close to zero. This occurs because "real world" images tend to contain mostly low frequency information (highly correlated). The locations where high frequency information does occur (such as edges in the image) this is particularly important in terms of human perception of the image quality, and thus must be represented accurately in any high quality coding scheme.
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  • chap04
    说明:  ex4_2 用MATLAB作巴特沃斯低通滤波器设计 ex4_3 用MATLAB作切比雪夫-1型低通滤波器设计 ex4_4 切比雪夫-2型低通滤波器设计 ex4_5 椭圆型低通滤波器设计 ex4_6 传递函数的模拟滤波器数字化 ex4_7 脉冲不变法简单实例 ex4_8 脉冲不变法巴特沃思低通滤波器设计 (ex4_2 using MATLAB for Butterworth low-pass filter design using MATLAB for ex4_3 Chebyshev-1-type low-pass filter design ex4_4 type-2 Chebyshev low-pass filter design ex4_5 elliptic low-pass filter design ex4_6 transfer function digitization of analog filters ex4_7 the same method is simple example of pulse-pulse unchanged law ex4_8 Butterworth low-pass filter design)
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  • LS-SVM-modele-and-effect
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