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  语音增强电子书,国外经典教材,自适应滤波,卡尔曼滤波,最小均方算法等等(speech enhancement ebook)


..................\1 introduction .pdf,136529,2007-05-17
..................\10 Adaptive Microphone Array Employing Spatial Quadratic Soft Constraints and Spectral Shaping.pdf,358321,2007-05-18
..................\11 Single-Microphone Blind Dereverberation.pdf,840246,2007-05-18
..................\12 Separation and Dereverberation of Speech Signals with Multiple Microphones.pdf,687439,2007-05-18
..................\13 Frequency-Domain Blind Source Separation.pdf,674049,2007-05-18
..................\14 Subband Based Blind Source Separation.pdf,476331,2007-05-18
..................\15 Real-Time Blind Source Separation for Moving Speech Signals.pdf,359528,2007-05-18
..................\16 Separation of Speech by Computational Auditory Scene Analysis.pdf,457573,2007-05-18
..................\2 Study of the Wiener Filter for Noise Reduction.pdf,802560,2007-05-17
..................\3 Statistcal Methods for Enhancement of Noisy Speech.pdf,557264,2007-05-17
..................\4 Single-and Multi-Mircophone Spectral Amplitude Estimation Using a Super-Gaussian Speech Model.pdf,405028,2007-05-17
..................\5 From Volatility Modeling of Financial Time-series to Stochastic Modeling and Enhancecement of Speech Signals.pdf,703861,2007-05-17
..................\6 Signal-Microphone Noise Suppression for 3G Handsets Based on Weighted Noise Estimation.pdf,350508,2007-05-17
..................\7 Signal Subspace Techniques for Speech Enhacenment.pdf,405872,2007-05-22
..................\8 Speech Enhacement Application of the Kalman Filter in the Estimate Maximize(EM) Framework.pdf,757726,2007-05-17
..................\9 Speech Distortion Weighted Multichannel Wiener Fitering Techniques for Noise Reduction.pdf,414948,2007-05-17
..................\Back Matter.pdf,43025,2007-05-18



0 个回复

  • espeak_1.36
    espeak语音生成库,内附有移植使用文档《espeak移植使用》(espeak speech generation library, containing transplanted using the document espeak transplant use )
    2021-01-03 18:08:56下载
    科大讯飞关于语音识别开发SDK库,支持语音转汉字功能及根据读汉字功能。有兴趣的可以好好研究研究(IFLYTEK speech recognition development SDK library are interested in a good studies)
    2012-09-14 12:42:31下载
  • yuchuli
    一种用于语音或者心音去噪和提取包络的预处理方法,对于后面信号处理更加方便(A method for denoising and extract voice or heart sounds envelope pretreatment method, the signal processing is more convenient for the latter)
    2013-10-30 14:32:33下载
  • speaker_recognition
    说话人识别系统,界面友好,可以对实时录音的说话人进行识别(Speaker recognition system, user-friendly, real-time recording can be carried out to identify the speaker)
    2021-04-20 14:38:50下载
  • male
    标准的10个数字和26个字母的男语音数据库,用于语音信号处理(10 numbers and 26 letters of the standard male voice database for speech signal processing)
    2013-01-31 15:03:06下载
  • MSR-Identity-Toolkit-v1.0
    微软研究院的说话人识别工具包,包括GMM-UBM、I-Vector。其中demo_gmm_ubm_artificial.m和demo_ivector_plda_artificial.m为生成模拟特征参数进行训练与识别的教学示例,十分适合初学者学习说话人识别基础算法。具体使用方法请看内部文档。(Microsoft Research s speaker recognition toolkit, including GMM-UBM, I-Vector. Demo_gmm_ubm_artificial.m and demo_ivector_plda_artificial.m which generates an analog characteristic parameters for example teaching training and recognition, very suitable for beginners to learn the basic algorithm for speaker recognition. See the specific use of internal documents.)
    2015-04-03 07:16:09下载
  • second
    男女声识别程序,中科院数字信号处理第二次作业,分辨率百分之90 以上,带GUI,在前人基础上修改,保证能用,不能用联系我(Male and female vocal recognition program, digital signal processing operations of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, resolution of more than 90 , with a GUI, modify their predecessors on the basis of guaranteed to not use)
    2013-01-10 15:50:23下载
  • vadsohn
    VAD去噪算法,可以有效的过滤静音和无效的语音,同时消除了一些背景噪声。(VAD denoising algorithm, can effectively filter invalid mute and voice, while eliminating some background noise.)
    2013-10-21 13:38:36下载
  • ANC matlab simulink
    Active Feedforward Narrowband Noise Cancellation using Matlab and Simulink
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