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于 2009-04-14 发布 文件大小:256KB
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  由MATLAB编的一个计算器,可以进行一些简单的运算,很实用!!!!(By MATLAB for a calculator, you can conduct some simple arithmetic, it is practical! ! ! !)



0 个回复

  • Harris
    提取Harris角点程序,非常好用的角点提取程序(Harris corner extraction program, very easy to use corner detection process)
    2011-05-04 20:14:58下载
  • Selective
    数据链路层滑动窗口协议的设计与实现源码 信道模型为8000bps 全双工卫星信道,信道传播时延270 毫秒,信道误码率为10-5,信道提供字节流传输服务,网络层分组长度在240~256字节范围。(Sliding window data link layer protocol design and implementation of source-channel model 8000bps full-duplex satellite channel, the channel propagation delay 270 ms, the channel bit error rate of 10-5, the channel provides a byte stream transfer service, network layer packet length in the range of 240 to 256 bytes.)
    2013-12-08 11:45:53下载
  • classic-C-program
    D F P变尺度法子程序 matlab程序 Powell法子程序 内点惩罚函数法子程序 进退法子程序 黄金分割法子程序 外点惩罚函数法子程序 (relay) (D F P variable scale recourse procedures Matlab procedures Powell recourse procedures point penalty function tool procedures stop recourse procedures 0.618 recourse procedures Point Penalty Function tool (relay))
    2006-06-02 12:09:39下载
  • decode_ldpc
    ldpc译码算法 实现ldpc的译码 20个字(ldpc the)
    2013-11-18 21:07:58下载
  • subspace
    经典子空间算法的完整实现,噪声消除效果比较好(an approach of speech enhancement algorithm)
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  • LSSVMlabv1_8_R2006a_R2009a
    matab 和C++联合用于SLSVM 很有用,比利时大拿弄出来的东西(matlab and C++ together for SLSVM)
    2011-12-28 09:38:23下载
  • PP
    说明:  摘 要:0IE 问题是一个典型的优化组合问题,现在有很多解决的方法。本文针对遗传算法求解0IE 问题进行了研究,对 选择、交叉和变异算子进行了算法设计,最后在_ C- N软件上进行编程实现。结果表明,遗传算法在求解0IE 问题时具有 结果准确、收敛速度快等特点。 关键词:遗传算法;0IE 问题;最优化问题;_ C- N 软(Abstract: 0IE problem is a typical combinatorial optimization, there are many solutions. In this paper, genetic algorithm 0IE conducted a study on the selection, crossover and mutation operators of the algorithm design, and finally _ C- N software for programming. The results indicate that the genetic algorithm in solving problems with 0IE accurate, fast convergence and so on. Key words: genetic algorithm 0IE problem optimization problems _ C- N Soft)
    2010-12-21 10:58:01下载
  • MatlabandVCinterfacesinimageanddataprocessing
    Matlab与VC接口在图像及数据处理中的应用,需要的下(Matlab and VC interfaces in image and data processing needs of next)
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  • UAV-Cooperative-Decision-and-Control
    无人机协同决策与控制英文原版,可供研究无人机协同的同学参考(the English original of UAV Cooperative Decision and Control,for the study of reference UAV cooperative students)
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  • dianjx
    电极系测井曲线 用matlab编写的用于学测井同学用(Electrode system logs using matlab for students with learning logs)
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