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  • vhdl4
    VHDL Language Reference courses part4
    2010-02-10 00:52:53下载
  • 循环冗余校验码(试验报告)
    循环冗余校验码(试验报告)-Cyclic Redundancy Check (pilot reports)
    2022-03-18 10:59:43下载
  • 用verilog hdl 硬件描述语言写的一个范例程序,led的,扩展性极强,欢迎大家下载使用。...
    用verilog hdl 硬件描述语言写的一个范例程序,led的,扩展性极强,欢迎大家下载使用。-Verilog hdl using hardware description language to write an example of the procedure, led, and highly scalable, welcome to download.
    2022-03-06 09:45:48下载
  • 基于VHDL的抢答器程序,包含完整的源代码,锁脚文件以及下载文件,可直接下载使用
    基于VHDL的抢答器程序,包含完整的源代码,锁脚文件以及下载文件,可直接下载使用-Answer Based on the VHDL program, including complete source code, locking pin, as well as download files documents can be directly downloaded using
    2022-01-23 10:40:11下载
  • Vhdl_testbench
    vhdl 的testbench编写教程,英文ppt以及源码工程(Write tutorials, as well as English ppt Source of engineering vhdl testbench)
    2016-08-29 10:09:05下载
  • Digital Cymometer VHDL procedures and simulation of the file name: plj.vhd.
    数字频率计VHDL程序与仿真 文件名:plj.vhd。 --功能:频率计。具有4位显示,能自动根据7位十进制计数的结果,自动选择有效数据的 --高4位进行动态显示。小数点表示是千位,即KHz。 -Digital Cymometer VHDL procedures and simulation of the file name: plj.vhd.- Function: frequency meter. With four shows that will automatically count seven decimal results, automatic selection of effective data- four for the high dynamic display. Decimal point that is 1000, or KHz.
    2022-08-04 07:22:59下载
  • wimax_ofdm-master
    wimax ofdm系统评估代码 wimax ofdm system code 很有参考价值(wimax ofdm system code)
    2018-11-15 16:35:20下载
  • multiply
    由verilog编写的乘法器,通过两个文件的调用实现。由于子模块的调用使得程序简化了许多。(Prepared by the Verilog multiplier, through the realization of the two documents call. As the sub-modules to simplify the procedure call makes a lot.)
    2008-12-30 20:51:33下载
  • 1、ps/2键盘输入,通过led显示ascii码 2、稍等1s可以在lcd上显示输入的字符 3、其中键盘上的backspce键是用来清屏的 4、当l...
    1、ps/2键盘输入,通过led显示ascii码 2、稍等1s可以在lcd上显示输入的字符 3、其中键盘上的backspce键是用来清屏的 4、当lcd上显示满字符时,在按下按键自动清屏,从第一行显示。-1, ps/2 keyboard input, through the led display ascii code 2, wait 1s in the lcd display characters input 3, which backspce keys on the keyboard was required to settle the screen 4, when the lcd display full of characters, the press the button automatically Qing-ping, from the first line of display.
    2022-01-31 12:27:49下载
  • 一个双向总线的vhdl实现
    一个双向总线的vhdl实现-a two-way bus VHDL achieve
    2023-07-29 00:40:02下载
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