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  • orl_pca
    从前用matlab编的人脸识别的特征提取以及识别程序,希望有用(The previous series of face recognition using matlab feature extraction and identification procedures, seek to help)
    2007-07-11 14:28:22下载
  • Matlab-Simulink-Using-Simulink-and-Stateflow-in-A
    This book includes nine examples that represent typical design tasks of an automotive engineer. It shows how The MathWorks modeling and simulation tools, Simulink® and Stateflow,TM facilitate the design of automotive control systems. Each example explains the principles of the physical situation, and presents the equations that represent the system. The examples show how to proceed from the physical equations to the Simulink block diagram. Once the Simulink model has been completed, we run the simulation, analyze the results, and draw conclusions from the study.
    2009-10-11 04:53:22下载
  • chapter1_10
    Modern wireless device have sleep mode which greatly reduce the duty cycle of the power supply.Consider the effect of different duty cycles and transmit times to see the wide range of battery lifetimes one may expect before recharging. results is being plotted of battery lifetime as a function of the duty cycles & duration of the wake up mode.
    2013-10-07 22:36:13下载
  • mel1
    matlab实现mel倒谱系数提取的子函数(matlab achieve mel cepstral coefficients extracted Functions)
    2015-07-31 10:33:08下载
  • Untitled2
    数字信号处理中的语音信号处理,针对语音信号中的噪声,设计不同的滤波器滤除噪声。(Digital signal processing, the speech signal processing in speech signal noise in the filter designed different filter noise. )
    2011-05-07 18:59:07下载
  • ssprop-3.0.1-windows
    说明:   matlab中常用的源代码,以及m文件生成的常用函数(matlab commonly used in the source code, as well as the usual functions m file generation)
    2010-03-17 15:01:15下载
  • mainTest22
    说明:  通信blast的matlab仿真程序 (希望大家多多上传哈)(communications blast of Matlab simulation program (I hope Members can upload Kazakhstan))
    2006-05-14 17:55:48下载
  • _Matlab
    交织码通常表示为(M,N),分组长度L=MN,交织方式用M行N列的交织矩阵表示。一般,交织方式分为分组交织和卷积交织。分组交织的交织矩阵按列写入,按行读出;去交织矩阵按行写入按列读出。卷积交织的交织矩阵和去交织矩阵的写入与读出均按行进行。(Intertwined code is usually expressed as (M, N), the packet length L = MN, interwoven manner, said interwoven matrix with M rows and N columns. In general, interwoven into the packet interleaving and convolutional interleaving. Grouping of interwoven interwoven matrix column to write, to read de-interlacing matrix read out by column written by line by line. Convolutional interleaving interleaving matrix and de-interlacing matrix to write and read are OK.)
    2012-05-07 16:02:40下载
  • Matlab2012-new-course
    matlab基础学习必备书籍,内容详细,适合新手(matlab-based learning essential books, detailed, suitable for novice)
    2013-10-16 10:21:58下载
  • apic
    简单的高通、低通、带通滤波器程序,初学者适用(filter program)
    2014-12-09 13:17:37下载
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