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于 2009-04-19 发布 文件大小:2924KB
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  一种新型的毫米波雷达地杂波特性de分析与研究,(milimeter radar research)



0 个回复

  • uCOS-II-RefMan
    说明:  UCOS-2系统的函数手册,有原型有举例,是UCOS-2开发不可多得的参考资料。(UCOS-2 Reference manual)
    2010-03-21 10:31:56下载
  • kaggle_diabetic-master
    A commented bash script to generate our final 2nd place solution can be found in make_kaggle_solution.sh. Running all the commands sequentially will probably take 7 - 10 days on recent consumer grade hardware. If you have multiple GPUs you can speed things up by doing training and feature extraction for the two networks in parallel. However, due to the computationally heavy data augmentation it may be far less than twice as fast especially when working with 512x512 pixel input images. You can also obtain a quadratic weighted kappa score of 0.839 on the private leaderboard by just training the 4x4 kernel networks and by performing only 20 feature extraction iterations with the weights that gave you the best MSE validation scores during training. The entire ensemble only achieves a slightly higher score of 0.845.
    2019-05-11 15:31:21下载
  • 1998-J.H.-Stock--M.W
    1998-J.H. Stock, M.W. Watson Business Cycle fluctuations in US macroeconomic time series.pdf
    2012-05-03 19:21:15下载
  • HighMaPro_matlab
    本书首先介绍了MATLAB 语言的程序设计的基本内容,在此基础上系统介绍了各个应用数 学领域的问题求解,如基于MATLAB 的微积分问题、线性代数问题的计算机求解、积分变换和复变函数问题、非线性方程与最优化问题、常微分方程与偏微分方程问题、数据插值与函数逼近问题、概率论与数理统计问题的解析解和数值解法等。还介绍了较新的非传统方法如模糊逻辑与模糊推理、神经网络、遗传算法、小波分析、粗糙集及分数阶微积分学等领域。(The book begins with the introduction of the MATLAB programming language, the basic content, on the basis of the system introduced in all areas of applied mathematics problem solving, such as MATLAB-based calculus problems, linear algebra to solve computer problems, integral transforms and complex variable function problems, nonlinear equations and optimization problems, ordinary differential equations and partial differential equation problems, data interpolation and function approximation problem, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Analytical Solution and Numerical Solution of such. Also introduce a relatively new non-traditional methods such as fuzzy logic and fuzzy reasoning, neural networks, genetic algorithms, wavelet analysis, rough sets and fractional calculus and other fields.)
    2007-09-29 10:40:50下载
    关于关联向量机应用的最新文献! 提出了一种核主元分析(KPCA)和关联向量机(RVM)相结合的组合建模方法。KPCA-RVM采用KPCA对原始自变量进行非线性变换并提取主成分,形成特征自变量 采用RVM,对KPCA变换后的样本数据进行回归建模,并根据模型的预报能力自适应的确定参与回归的最佳特征变量个数,消除冗余信息干扰,获得强非线性表达能力且预报性能良好的模型。并将KPCA-RVM应用于PTA装置对羧基苯甲醛(4-CBA)含量的软测量建模,结果表明该方法预测精度高于PCA-RVM和RVM。(A novel modeling method integrated KPCA with RVM was proposed. The kernel primary component analysis (KPCA) was employed to identify the principal components from the nonlinear transform data of independent variables, which were regarded as character variables. Regression between character variables and dependent variables was done based on RVM, and the optimal number of the character variables was adaptively determined according to the generalization performance of the regression model. Thus, KPCA-RVM meth...)
    2020-06-29 05:40:01下载
  • FPGA
    一种基于FPGA实现的FFT结构 调从基本元器件开始的计算机硬件系统的设计与实现,大多设置在自动控制系,形成了与应用系统结合的计算机教育。 1966年多处理器平台FPGA 学习目标 (1) 理解为什么嵌入式系统使用多处理器 (2) 指出处理器中CPU和硬件逻辑的折衷 (FPGA-based FFT realize the structure of the tune from the beginning of the basic components of computer hardware system design and implementation, most of them located in the Automatic Control Department, formed a combination and application of computer education system. 1966 multi-processor FPGA platform for learning goals (1) to understand why the use of multi-processor embedded system (2) pointed out that the processor CPU and the hardware logic of compromise)
    2008-05-03 14:31:10下载
  • SPSS
    很好的spss教程 轻松使用spss 方差分析 因子分析 回归分析(failed to translate)
    2010-05-08 01:07:33下载
  • LLCFSF2100)
    最近 LCC 谐振变换器备受关注,因为它优于常规串联谐振变换器和并联谐振变换器:在负载和输入变化较大时,频率变化仍很小,且全负载范围内切换可实现零电压转换(ZVS)。本文介绍了LLC型谐振变换器的分析方法,回顾了LLC型谐振变换器的实际设计要素。其中包括设计变压器和选择元器件。采用一设计实例,逐步说明设计流程,有助于工程师更加轻松地设计LLC谐振器。(Recently LCC resonant converter has attracted much attention, because it is better than that of the conventional series resonant converter and parallel resonant converter in the load and input change, frequency change is still very small, and the whole range of the load switch can realize zero voltage switching (ZVS). In this paper, the analysis method of LLC resonant converter is introduced, and the practical design elements of LLC resonant converter are reviewed. Including the design of transformers and components. A design example is used to explain the design process step by step, which is helpful for engineers to design LLC resonators more easily.)
    2017-03-16 18:03:50下载
  • microwaveandsatellitecommunications
    微波与卫星通信课件(ppt)第一章节第二章第三章第四章第五章第六章第七章 (Microwave and satellite communications Courseware (ppt) Chapter II the first chapter Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII)
    2007-11-26 17:56:41下载
  • 第二章xml课后习题
    该代码为XML编程与应用教程第二章课后习题实验答案。(The code for XML programming and Application Tutorial second chapter after-school exercise experiment answer.)
    2018-11-13 09:14:39下载
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