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于 2009-04-19 发布 文件大小:7438KB
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  face detector for facing to detect automatic without any sample



0 个回复

  • NeuralNetwork_RBF_Classification
    MATLAB中应用RBF神经网络对模式识别处理(MATLAB Application of RBF neural networks for pattern recognition processing)
    2008-12-30 15:12:09下载
    2009-04-11 12:55:27下载
  • dat
    在matlab中,将数据以矩阵形式存储进dat文件中(In matlab, the data is stored in the form of a matrix dat file)
    2013-08-31 12:44:32下载
  • H2P
    ldpc码的dpsk调制,针对bp译码专用的调制方式(LDPC code DPSK modulation, decoding bp for the exclusive use of modulation)
    2007-10-10 20:10:42下载
  • non-constrant
    解决无约束多维极值问题的matlab源码(non-constrant )
    2010-01-09 10:08:21下载
  • MatlabAndText
    Matlab在文本字符串上的高级控制功能的实现代码,供大家交流学习之用,珍贵资源!(Matlab in the text string on the implementation of advanced control code for all to share learning, valuable resources!)
    2010-05-11 21:06:38下载
  • lap_fusion
    mamatlab基于拉普拉斯金字塔分解的图像融合源程序(mamatlab based on the decomposition of the Laplacian pyramid image fusion source)
    2007-03-20 11:08:43下载
  • dsp_matlab
    数字信号处理,matlab源码非常全 很强大很好用!!!!(Digital signal processing source code is very full very powerful easy to use! ! ! !)
    2013-02-25 20:22:15下载
  • GM_PHD_Filter_v110
    GM_PHD_Filter Version 1.09, 13th December 2013 Matlab code by Bryan Clarke b.clarke@acfr.usyd.edu.au with: - some Kalman filter update code by Tim Bailey, taken from his website http://www-personal.acfr.usyd.edu.au/tbailey/software/ - error_ellipse by AJ Johnson, taken from Matlab Central http://www.mathworks.com.au/matlabcentral/fileexchange/4705-errorellipse Algorithm by Ba-Ngu Vo & Wing-Kin Ma in: B.-N. Vo, W.-K. Ma, "The Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol 54, No. 11, November 2006, pp4091-4104 This is an implementation of a gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density filter (GM-PHD) for a simulated tracking problem. The problem specification is given in the above paper - in summary, two targets move through the environment, there is a lot of clutter on the measurement, and about halfway through a third target spawns off one of the two targets.(GM_PHD_Filter Version 1.09, 13th December 2013 Matlab code by Bryan Clarke b.clarke@acfr.usyd.edu.au with: - some Kalman filter update code by Tim Bailey, taken from his website http://www-personal.acfr.usyd.edu.au/tbailey/software/ - error_ellipse by AJ Johnson, taken from Matlab Central http://www.mathworks.com.au/matlabcentral/fileexchange/4705-errorellipse Algorithm by Ba-Ngu Vo & Wing-Kin Ma in: B.-N. Vo, W.-K. Ma, "The Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol 54, No. 11, November 2006, pp4091-4104 This is an implementation of a gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density filter (GM-PHD) for a simulated tracking problem. The problem specification is given in the above paper- in summary, two targets move through the environment, there is a lot of clutter on the measurement, and about halfway through a third target spawns off one of the two targets.)
    2014-04-12 20:26:19下载
  • 14others
    说明:  《MATLAB时频分析技术》例题matlab编程实现第十四章其他例子(err)
    2008-09-23 15:35:10下载
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