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于 2008-03-30 发布 文件大小:1295KB
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  一个用delphi写的安装程序. 涉及到的知识: 1.注册表的使用 2.资源文件的制作,使用 3.多线程中api播放wav 4.快捷方式 (A delphi written with the installation process. Relates to knowledge: 1. The use of the registry 2. Resource documentation, the use of 3. Multithreading in api player wav 4. Shortcuts)



0 个回复

  • Propayment
    专项拨款逐级下发系统的主要功能:对专项拨款申请系统审批通过的专项拨款进行资金下发和签收,系统通过前端通讯平台,自动接收由上一级部门下发的专项拨款信息,并可进行签收确认。(Earmarked for the next level hair core functions of the system: the system of special funding applications approved by the funds earmarked under the hair and the sign, the system through the front-end communications platform, to automatically receive a higher department issued special funding information, and carried out to confirm receipt.)
    2009-03-09 12:41:48下载
  • jssmsrc
    jssm的原代码,用delphi做的,喜欢石器时代的朋友可以研究一下(jssm the original code, using delphi to do, like the Stone Age friends can look at)
    2009-04-13 09:35:25下载
  • ns3-sumo-coupling-master
    说明:  xsjs dkdld ckdlds xjdsls ckdld ckdld c,ksdld
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  • rolling
    Delphi写的位图滚动控件,TSpinButtor组件。(Bitmap scroll controls written in Delphi, TSpinButtor components.)
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  • libraryms
    功能简介:用户管理:添加用户,修改密码,注销用户 图书管理:增加图书,修改图书,删除图书,查询图书 借书证管理:办理借书证,修改借书证,挂失借书证,查询借书证 借阅与归还:借阅图书,归还图书,查询借阅与归还情况 借书证管理:办理借书证,修改借书证,挂失借书证,查询借书证 借阅与归还:借阅图书,归还图书,查询借阅与归还情况 (Features: User management: add users, change passwords, log off the user library management: increasing Books, modify books, remove the books, check books library card management: for a library card, library card changes, report the loss of library card, library card to borrow and return query : to borrow books, return books, check library card to borrow and return management of the situation: for a library card, library card changes, report the loss of library card, library card to borrow and return the query: to borrow books and return books to borrow and return the case query)
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  • Data-Report
    data report using delphi
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  • PrintText
    Delphi PrintText打印文本文件内容,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Delphi PrintText prints a text file content, learning programming source code, a good reference.)
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  • mydac.v5.00.1.7.src
    MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) is a library of components that provides direct access to MySQL database servers from Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder and Kylix. MyDAC can connect directly to MySQL server or work through the MySQL client library. The MyDAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner MySQL database applications. MyDAC is a complete replacement for standard MySQL connectivity solutions and presents an efficient alternative to the Borland Database Engine for access to MySQL.
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  • divide_txt
    一个分割文本文件的小程序,这个是以前存在电脑的。(A small text file segmentation procedure.)
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