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于 2008-03-30 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  • 127
    主要用于标签文字的识别,效果比较好,实用性较强(Mainly used for the identification of the label text, the effect is better, more practical)
    2017-05-05 12:42:42下载
  • MATLAB条码二维码识别
    说明:  基于MATLAB的条形码识别。带GUI可视化用户操作界面。读取条形码,经过一系列预处理,如灰度化,去噪,直方图增强,中值滤波,二值化,腐蚀,识别等。可识别20多张条形码图片,另外可定制二维码的识别,二维码可自定义生成内容,生成二维码,然后嵌入数字水印进行加密传输,接收方提取水印的二维码,识别。(Bar code recognition based on MATLAB. Visual user interface with GUI. Read bar code, after a series of preprocessing, such as graying, denoising, histogram enhancement, median filtering, binarization, corrosion, recognition and so on. It can identify more than 20 bar code images, and can customize the identification of two-dimensional code. The two-dimensional code can generate the content of the two-dimensional code, generate the two-dimensional code, and then embed the digital watermark for encryption transmission. The receiver can extract the two-dimensional code of the watermark for identification.)
    2021-03-27 19:39:12下载
  • image_retrieval
    近两年关于图像检索的重要参考文献,包括IEEE和国内CNKI上发表的顶级期刊(Image Retrieval over the past two years on the importance of references, including the IEEE and domestic CNKI top journals published)
    2009-05-15 17:25:18下载
  • tishengxiaoboquzao
    利用提升小波方法对小波去噪,效果要比一般的方法好。(Use of lifting wavelet method of wavelet denoising, the method more effective than the general good.)
    2008-05-18 18:33:02下载
  • main
    利用形态学,霍夫(Hough)变换,实现畸变QR码的4个角点的定位。(To correct the distortion of the QR code,use morphology operation, Hough transform, to locat the positioning of the four corner points)
    2012-03-14 15:17:57下载
  • MSR_original
    多尺度加权的rentinex算法实现图像增强,里面用到了高斯滤波对图像进行滤波,可以去除大部分的噪声,平滑图像效果较突出,3个高斯尺度对图像做滤波后加权在一起得到多尺度信息的图像。(Multiscale weighted rentinex algorithm is used to enhance the image. Gauss filter is used to filter the image, which can remove most of the noise. The smoothing effect of the image is prominent. Three Gaussian scales are filtered and weighted together to get the multi-scale information of the image.)
    2020-07-03 06:40:02下载
  • PSOt.matlab.m
    Matlab源程序代码,著名的PSO程式代码,用于拟合超二次曲线,曲面的代码,适用于粒子系统。呵呵,与大家一起分享受(Matlab source code, the famous PSO program code for the quadratic curve-fitting, Surface code applicable to the particle system. Oh, and that they have enjoyed.)
    2021-04-24 19:18:46下载
  • conjugate_gradient_method
    说明:  matlab编写的共轭梯度法,用来解决非线性优化问题(matlab prepared by the conjugate gradient method is used to solve nonlinear optimization problems)
    2010-03-26 15:17:14下载
  • 4种最常见的差异-SAR
    说明:  生成差异图,用于变化检测,包含比值法、差值法、均值比算法等(The difference graph is generated for change detection, including ratio method, difference method and mean ratio algorithm)
    2021-04-27 14:58:44下载
  • Phase_Unwrapping_2D
    二维相位展开算法 引导相位展开方法相质量运行QualityGuidedUnwrap2D的。 运行戈尔茨坦枝剪相位展开方法GoldsteinUnwrap2D。 (3D实施质量的制导方法,可根据要求提供)(2D PHASE UNWRAPPING ALGORITHMS Run QualityGuidedUnwrap2D for the phase quality guided phase unwrapping method. Run GoldsteinUnwrap2D for Goldstein s branch cut phase unwrapping method. (3D implementation of the quality guided method available on request))
    2020-10-29 11:19:57下载
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