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于 2008-04-10 发布 文件大小:1168KB
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  这是一个实现ISAPI的程序 实现了用户输入,并回显的功能(ISAPI realize this is a procedure for the realization of the user input, and echo the function of)



0 个回复

  • occwpy
    这是一个用VB实现的变换颜色的小程序,推荐一下(This is a VB realize the transformation of the color of small procedures, recommend)
    2017-03-31 03:17:53下载
  • GetSerial
    一个通过硬件信息生成序列号的源码示例,适合制作根据硬盘特征码生成序列号(Information generated through the hardware serial number of the source code examples for the production of signature generation based on the hard disk serial number)
    2009-07-02 12:19:18下载
  • Adapter
    一个在VC10环境下编写的适配器模式的例子,可以通过这个demo程序,加深对适配器模式的理解(Example of a VC10 environment written adapter mode, through this demo program to deepen the understanding of the Adapter pattern)
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  • Calculator
    而as过热和高品位i哦将通过配额将分批doi公平我( U800Cas u8FC7 u70ED u548C u9AD8 u54C1 u4F4Di u54E6 u5C06 u901A u8FC7 u914D u989D u5C06 u5206 u6279doi u5E32 u5E73 u6211)
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    将dll文件加入文件资源之后调用函数释放,实现了将dll文件打包(Dll files will be added to the file after the call function to release resources to achieve the dll file is packaged)
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  • 01825465
    COM+编程技术内幕 学习COM+的好资料,不错的源码(COM+ programming technology insider good information to learn COM+, good source)
    2017-06-01 00:07:24下载
  • 9744_041
    一直在寻找学习c++的好教材,听朋友介绍本书不错,好东西大家分享。(have been studying c find good material, listening to a friend on the book is true, the good things we share.)
    2007-04-26 09:28:57下载
  • hive
    注册表隐藏就是将系统呈现给用户的注册表信息进行修改,使得用户或检测工具无法直观地发现事实上存在的注册表内容。(Hide the system registry is presented to the user' s registry information is modified so that the user or detection tool will not intuitive to find that in fact exist in the registry contents.)
    2009-10-21 08:52:52下载
  • pigdjas67
    说明:  By throwing an exception to indicate the occurrence of an error(By throwing an exception to indicate the occurrence of an erro)
    2018-12-25 13:29:14下载
  • PL0-The-compiler
    一、完成的实验内容及说明 基本内容 (1)扩充赋值运算:+ 和 - (2)扩充语句 REPEAT <语句序列> DOWHILE <条件> 其中,<条件>是循环条件,即条件成立时,重复执行循环体的< 语句序列> 选做内容 (1)增加运算:++ 和 。 (2)增加类型:① 字符类型; ② 实数类型。 (3)扩充函数:① 有返回值和返回语句;② 有参数函数。 (4)增加一维数组类型 (A, the experiment content and complete The basic content Operation: (1) expand the assignment+ and (2) REPEAT expansion statements < > statement sequence Conditions of DOWHILE < > Among them, the conditions of < > is loop condition, namely conditions founded, repeat the loop body < > statement sequence Choose to do content (1) operation:++ and . (2) types: (1) character types (2) real types. (3) the expansion of function: (1) has a return value and return statement (2) a parameter function. (4) increase a one-dimensional array type)
    2020-07-16 22:38:54下载
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