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于 2009-04-26 发布 文件大小:494KB
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  matlab例程,非常好用,便以移植,bianyuxuexi(matlab routines, very easy to use, then to transplant, bianyuxuexi)



0 个回复

  • pudn_PPS_IHMPT_esti_para
    这是基于IHMPT(积分高阶匹配相位变换)方法的多分量三阶相位多项式信号(即立方相位信号)参数估计算法程序包,包含了相关的6个子函数、测试程序以及参考文献等。可以实现对各分量的幅度、各阶相位系数的精确估计。具有广泛的应用,如雷达成像中回波信号具有多阶相位多项式的形式。(This is a matlab code package for an algorithm of estimating parameters of Multicomponent 3-order Polynomial phase signal (Cubic-PPS). The algorithm is based on IHMPT(Integrated High-order Matched Phase Transform). The code package include relevant functions,test codes and reference paper. An accurate estimation of the amplitude and phase coefficients of each order can be obtained by this package. It has a wide application,e.g., the echo signal of radar has the form of PPS. )
    2021-04-23 21:38:47下载
  • Matlab智能算法30个案分析
    说明:  Matlab智能算法30个案例分析,详细分析讲解了30个matlab案例(Analysis of 30 cases of Matlab intelligent algorithm)
    2021-01-10 18:08:50下载
  • 抗差加权函数对比
    测量粗差中抗差滤波算法加权函数的对比,程序能够运行,函数对比结果画图呈现。(weighting function comparison in robust filter.)
    2018-04-17 17:56:33下载
  • LoadForecasting
    This program contains the explicit descriptions of load forecasting by the Mathworks web site and is very complete. the users can easily apply their own data to it and use the methods to forecast Load and price.
    2019-01-17 18:01:45下载
  • xinhao
    离散信号的时域分析,输出各种离散信号的波形图,有利于各初学者理解揣摩(Time domain analysis of discrete signals, the output waveform of various discrete signals, try to figure out is conducive to the beginner to understand)
    2010-07-09 11:05:23下载
  • Chap_5_EQ
    西蒙赫金的《自适应滤波原理》一书的matlab程序,现在继续上传第5章的程序, 大家学习交流,觉得有用的自己下载,(西蒙赫gold Adaptive Filtering Theory matlab program book, and now continue to upload the procedures in Chapter 5, we study the exchange of their own find useful downloads,)
    2008-04-15 11:51:21下载
  • landweber
    landweber迭代算法,用于ECT电容层析成像的迭代类算法(landweber iterative algorithm iterator class algorithm for ECT capacitance tomography)
    2021-04-17 11:58:52下载
  • grph
    source code for matlab simulation
    2013-11-07 14:15:04下载
  • power_wind_dfig
    MATLAB模型,双馈风电机组基于最大功率跟踪,低风速超速控制,中风速高风速变桨距控制(DFIG MATLABThe wind turbine and the doubly-fed induction generator (WTDFIG) are shown in the figure called The Wind Turbine and the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator System. The AC/DC/AC converter is divided into two components: the rotor-side converter (Crotor) and the grid-side converter (Cgrid). Crotor and Cgrid are Voltage-Sourced Converters that use forced-commutated power electronic devices (IGBTs) to synthesize an AC voltage from a DC voltage source. A capacitor connected on the DC side acts as the DC voltage source. A coupling inductor L is used to connect Cgrid to the grid. The three-phase rotor winding is connected to Crotor by slip rings and brushes and the three-phase stator winding is directly connected to the grid. The power captured by the wind turbine is converted into electrical power by the induction generator and it is transmitted to the grid by the stator and the rotor windings.)
    2019-02-19 21:56:48下载
  • matlabnihe
    用matlab实现拟合的几个例子源码, %x,y应是原始数据,下面的数据仅是为了说明问题而自设的示例数据。(The fitting of several examples of source code with the matlab, x, y should be the original data, the data is only to illustrate the problem, since the set of sample data.)
    2014-08-19 11:11:06下载
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