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于 2009-04-28 发布 文件大小:1343KB
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  采用数学建模方法解决统计问题,包含数据的统计描述与分析,回归分析,含有PPT讲解(Mathematical modeling approach to the use of statistics, including data description and analysis of statistics, regression analysis, with PPT on)



0 个回复

  • shuangsancichazhi
    实现双三次插值图像缩放算法,修改k值,即可修改放大倍数或缩小倍数!(To achieve bi-cubic interpolation algorithm for image scaling, modified k values can be modified to enlarge or shrink the multiples of multiples!)
    2009-01-02 22:48:50下载
  • nrlfppg_14bus
    This is inportent program for energy sector engineers. This matlab code is based on Newton Rapshion load flow calculations. Use it.
    2009-05-04 19:22:33下载
  • OFDM
    说明:  使用matlab对ofdm系统进行仿真和误比特率的分析(Ofdm systems using matlab on simulation and analysis of bit error rate)
    2010-04-25 10:41:00下载
  • FT2D
    实现二维傅里叶变换,并用几种基本函数进行了测试(To realize two-dimensional Fourier transform, and has been tested with several basic functions)
    2013-04-17 14:16:28下载
  • libc
    libc 详细说明了C库里代码的实现过程,里边有详细的注释(detailed description of the C library libc code implementation process, detailed notes inside)
    2010-03-10 09:32:48下载
  • 06156422
    2-D–3-D Frequency Registration Using a Low-Dose Radiographic System for Knee Motion Estimation
    2013-07-09 10:08:27下载
    The ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) using ALR (Automatic line Tracking Robot) is a system designed to help in recognition of number plates of vehicles. This system is designed for the purpose of the security and it is a security system. This system is based on the image processing system. This system helps in the functions like detection of the number plates of the vehicles, processing them and using processed data for further processes like storing, allowing vehicle to pass or to reject vehicle. This system also helps to conduct the graphic images of the vehicles which can be further stored in the database in text format reducing size of data to be stored.
    2013-10-09 04:40:03下载
  • testdisk-7.0-WIP.mac_intel.tar
    revision de discos fisicos, prueba y reparacion
    2015-02-07 20:49:09下载
  • dsakf
    % 文件名:randlsbget.m % 程序员:余波 % 编写时间:2007.6.25 % 函数功能: 本函数将完成提取隐秘于上的秘密信息 % 输入格式举例:result=( scover.jpg ,56, secret.txt ,2001) % 参数说明: % output是信息隐藏后的图象 % len_total是秘密信息的长度 % goalfile是提取出的秘密信息文件 % key是随机间隔函数的密钥 % result是提取的信息 function result=randlsbget(output,len_total,goalfile,key) ste_cover=imread(output) ste_cover=double(ste_cover) % 判断嵌入信息量是否过大 [m,n]=size(ste_cover) frr=fopen(goalfile, a ) % p作为信息嵌入位计数器将信息序列写回文本文件 p=1 % 调用随机间隔函数选取像素点 [row,col]=randinterval(ste_cover,len_toal,key) for i=:len_toal if bitand(ste_cover(row(i),col(i)),1)==1 fwrite(frr,1, bit1 ) result(p,1) else fwrite(frr,0, bit1 ) result(p,1)=0 end if p==len_total break end p=p+1 end fclose(frr) ()
    2007-06-28 16:08:04下载
  • ECG_Signal_Generator
    两个很实用的ECG信号生成器,代码较长的那个能生成较为真实的健康个体的心电信号(Two very useful ECG signal generator, the code can generate more longer true that the health of the individual ECG)
    2010-09-16 20:59:29下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103791会员总数
  • 67今日下载