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于 2010-11-02 发布 文件大小:27KB
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  S函数的使用及应用举例,可以帮助你学习s函数。(good information.)



0 个回复

  • deconvolve
    deconvolution deconvolve.m Given a system impulse response h[n] and test response y[n], this algorithm deconvolves the test response with the impulse response to determine the input x[n] as X(jw) = Y(jw)/H(jw). Eliminate some noise, but is still very rough NOTE: Assumes all signals are the same length. Use sigcorrect.m to equalize their lengths if they are different. use: deconvolve(impresp,test,testresp) variables: impresp: impulse response of system test: test input to system testresp: test response of system
    2011-11-11 09:04:25下载
  • 1
    bp_innerloop.m Inner loop of the backpropagtion learning algorithm. One hidden layer. Uses tanh as the transfer function. Uses the following global variables for input and/or output: Inputs1 - input patterns Desired - desired output patterns LearnRate - learning rate parameter Momentum - momentum parameter DerivIncr - increment to the derivative of the transfer function (Fahlman s trick typical value 0.2) Weights1 - first weight layer (updated by this routine) Weights2 - second weight layer (updated by this routine) deltaW1 - initialize to 0 before first call deltaW2 - initialize to 0 before first call TSS - total sum-squared error (set by this routine) Recurrent state
    2013-05-18 03:38:49下载
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  • 2_Comande-vectoriel-de-la-MSAP-a-vide-a-en-charge
    2_Comande vectoriel de la MSAP a vide & en charge simulation + resultat
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