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于 2009-05-02 发布 文件大小:406KB
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  基于Delphi7的局域网文件共享软件源码 Windows的文件共享经常遇到不能正常或无法找到计算机的情况。文件共享还要设置共享属性及用户等,为简化局域网文件共享,本软件只要网络能连通,不需要任何设置就能文件共享。 使用点对点方式,不用服务器,只要在需要共享的电脑运行本程序及将要共享的文件或文件夹拖到共享区就可以。 (Delphi7 LAN-based file-sharing software source Windows file sharing is not often encountered in the normal or can not find a computer. File-sharing but also sharing of attributes and user settings and so on, to simplify file-sharing network, the software can be as long as network connectivity, does not require any set up file-sharing can be. The use of peer-to-peer manner without servers, as long as the need to share the computer running the program and want to share files or folders can be dragged share.)



0 个回复

  • Sybex---Mastering-Delphi-7
    很好的Delphi教程!包括使用IntraWeb框架实现可视化应用等!(Good Delphi tutorial! IntraWeb framework including the use of visualization applications!)
    2011-11-09 21:12:15下载
  • DLT645-2007
    DLT645-2007规约抄表设置软件delphi 7 开发(DLT645-2007)
    2020-06-29 02:40:01下载
  • 1_zastavka
    Splash screen Delphi
    2020-06-19 19:40:02下载
  • FlatStylePforPD7
    非常好用的flatstyle控件,delphi5,6,7都可以用的,很全,包含源码,package等等(Very useful flatstyle control, delphi5, 6,7 can be used, very wide, including source code, package, etc.)
    2011-04-26 14:38:15下载
  • exeadd
    可实现对exe文件进行修改和自我修改个功能,非常好的实例代码,直接调用系统底层,编写规范,思路明确,代码易读。(Exe file can be modified to achieve self-modification and functional, very good example code, call the system directly to the bottom, write specifications, ideas, clear, readable code.)
    2011-11-24 23:16:39下载
  • LantuSale
    说明:  从网友处得到的蓝图财务进销存源程序,程序运行需要ehlib,fastreport等。 程序效果还可以。 放到盒子上大家共同学习。 感谢提供程序的网友。 本程序是转贴。(Received from users a blueprint for financial ADOMS source, procedures needed for the operation of ehlib, fastreport and so on. Procedures can also be the effect. Box on the U.S. learn together. Expresses its appreciation for the program users. This procedure is posted.)
    2008-09-06 16:28:39下载
  • ex6
    exercise 6 ssd 5 or ssd4
    2013-09-25 18:18:37下载
  • User-Interface
    Delphi XE 应用控件,多种控件的用户接口使用,源码实例,欢迎下载学习(Delphi XE application controls, a variety of controls user interface, source code examples, welcome to download learning)
    2016-12-26 09:43:06下载
  • 67
    说明:  Delphi注册表键值保存信息,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Delphi registry key to save the information, learn programming source code, a good reference.)
    2014-01-24 12:59:19下载
  • 534
    Delphi根据计算机名称获取IP地址,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Delphi to obtain an IP address, computer name based on the source code to learn programming, a good reference.)
    2014-02-10 14:32:45下载
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