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于 2010-11-08 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  用线性插值法求单摆运动周期的近似解,及做图比较.(Find by linear interpolation of the approximate solution pendulum movement cycle, and do Charts.)



0 个回复

  • PowerguiandMultimeter
    这是一个matlab的ppt,对于实现整流逆变应该有用,还有仿真效果图(failed to translate)
    2010-12-15 16:50:18下载
  • Heat_Equation
    这个函数求热传导方程初值问题的解,以输入图像为初始值,输出图像为t时刻的解,输出图像被用来作为去噪的结果(This function for heat conduction equations of the solution of the initial boundary value problems, with input image for the initial value, output image of the solution of the moment for t, output image to be used as a result of the noise )
    2011-09-26 20:33:35下载
  • Mente-Carlo
    蒙特卡罗方法在随机上的应用和软件实现方法,里面以课件形式教你如果使用蒙特卡罗(mente carlo)
    2011-05-11 13:09:39下载
  • H
    说明:  H无穷控制,使得控制状态对干扰的2范数比最优,应用于非线性控制,还有绘图程序(H infinity control, so that the control state 2 norm than optimal nonlinear control applied to the disturbance, and drawing program)
    2016-04-09 17:34:51下载
  • simulink_BPSK
    simulink下频带传输BPSK演示例程,包括打印ASCII字符。(simulink demo under the band BPSK transmission routines, including printable ASCII characters.)
    2007-07-28 20:09:49下载
  • knnsearch
    寻找测试样本的最近邻,可以有效的用于用于模式识别,信号处理(This is a small but efficient tool to perform K-nearest neighbor search, which has wide Science and Engineering applications, such as pattern recognition, data mining and signal processing. The code was initially implemented through vectorization. After discussions with John D Errico, I realized that my algorithm will suffer numerical accurancy problem for data with large values. Then, after trying several approaches, I found simple loops with JIT acceleration is the most efficient solution. Now, the performance of the code is comparable with kd-tree even the latter is coded in a mex file. The code is very simple, hence is also suitable for beginner to learn knn search.)
    2010-03-16 14:08:11下载
  • untitled
    说明:  基于matlab/simulink的am调制解调的仿真(Based on matlab/simulink simulation of the am modulation and demodulation)
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  • matlab_word
    通过这个程序可以利用matlab生成word和excel,希望对大家有帮助。(By this procedure can use of matlab generation word and excel, we want to help)
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    (2,1,3)卷积码编码,软判决译码;matlab语言编码;verilog语言译码;((2,1,3) convolutional code encoding, soft-decision decoding matlab coding verilog decoder )
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    Matlab 颜色的使用 colorbar colormap(Matlab use of colour)
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