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说明:  大量office学习文档,希望对大家有帮助,谢谢支持(Study documents a large number of office, we want to help, thank you support)



0 个回复

  • MatlabFIR
    FIR数字滤波器广泛应用在数字通信系统中,研究其实现方法具有重要意义。Matlab功能强大,利用Matlab辅 助设计DSP应用程序,可大大缩短DSP应用程序的开发时间。介绍了Matlab和CCS及DSP的连接,说明了利用Matlab辅 助DSP实现FIR数字滤波器的过程,及如何在Matlab环境中调试DSP程序,给出了实现结果,并把该结果和单纯在Matlab 环境下实现结果进行比较,前者效果更好,更具有实际应用价值。 (FIR digital filters widely used in digital communication systems, research methods of their realization of great significance. Matlab is powerful DSP using Matlab-aided design applications, can greatly shorten the DSP application development time. Describes the Matlab and CCS and DSP connections, shows DSP using Matlab support the process of realization of FIR digital filters, and how to debug in the Matlab environment, DSP program, are given to achieve results, and to the results and simple in the Matlab environment, achieved results are compared, the former better, more practical application value.)
    2009-12-11 21:01:37下载
  • zishiying
    自适应抵消与谱相减结合的单通道语音消噪算法的研究,对这方面的研究比较详细(Adaptive cancellation and spectral subtraction with the single-channel speech denoising algorithm, more detailed research in this area)
    2011-01-24 20:27:00下载
  • wienerMatlab
    说明:  matlab实现维纳自适应滤波,适合初学者了解维纳自适应滤波,,大家支持我啊(Wiener adaptive filtering matlab implementation, suitable for beginners to understand adaptive Wiener filter, we support me ah)
    2010-04-21 10:15:36下载
  • NUFFT_code
    一种标准的插值或“网格化”方案,基于高斯原理,无需预先计算就可以提高运算速度以及插值权重。(Nonuniform FFTs of the types discussed here are based, in essence, on combining some interpolation scheme with the standard FFT.)
    2020-06-19 23:00:02下载
  • Templates1_7
    本书是C++模板编程的完全指南,旨在通过基本概念、常用技巧和应用实例3方面的有用资料,为读者打下C++模板知识的坚实基础。 全书共5个部分,22章。第1章全面介绍了本书的内容结构和相关情况。第1部分(第2~7章)以教程的风格介绍了模板的基本概念,第2部分(第8~13章)阐述了模板的语言细节,第3部分(第14~18章)介绍了C++模板所支持的基本设计技术,第4部分(第19~22章)深入探讨了各种使用模板的普通应用程序。附录部分是一处定义原则和重载解析的相关资料。 本书适合C++模板技术的初学者阅读,也可供有一定编程经验的C++程序员参考。(This book is C++ template programming, The Complete Guide to through the basic concepts, techniques and application examples of three commonly used useful information for readers to C++ templates to lay a solid foundation of knowledge. The book is 5 parts, 22 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the overall structure and content of the book relevant circumstances. Part 1 (2 ~ 7) tutorial style introduction to the basic concepts of templates, Part 2 (8 ~ 13) describes the details of the template language, Part 3 (14 ~ 18), introduced C++ template support for the basic design techniques, Part 4 (19 ~ 22) in-depth study of various common applications using templates. Appendix is a definition of the principles and relevant information overload resolution. C++ book for beginners to read template technology, but also have some programming experience for C++ programmers reference. )
    2010-12-20 18:56:57下载
  • boilerash
    利用MATLAB中的神经网络模型对锅炉进行结渣预测(The use of MATLAB' s neural network model of the boiler slagging prediction)
    2010-01-25 20:24:20下载
  • 1-(8)
    Unit Commitment in a Competitive and Emission Constrained Environment
    2015-04-03 21:34:01下载
  • shiyan2
    说明:  噪声中正弦信号的现代法频谱分析,分析了自相关法、Burg法、协方差法和改进的协方差法对功率谱的影响以及阶数、信噪比、窗长度对自相关法频谱分析的影响。(The influence of autocorrelation method, Burg method, covariance method and improved covariance method on power spectrum and the influence of order, signal-to-noise ratio and window length on the spectrum analysis of sinusoidal signal in noise are analyzed.)
    2019-03-06 15:57:19下载
  • matlab_code
    这是计算各种形状的散射程序,对研究电磁散射的同行很有用(This is the shape of the scattering calculation of the various procedures, the study of electromagnetic scattering useful peer)
    2021-04-29 15:38:43下载
  • huffmanMatlab
    说明:  在MATLAB环境下实现Huffman编码(In the MATLAB environment to achieve Huffman coding)
    2010-04-11 20:40:46下载
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