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于 2009-05-06 发布 文件大小:565KB
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  这是反编译delphi 生成的dcu的小软件(This is generated decompile delphi small software dcu)



0 个回复

  • AutoNumber
    自动生成编号,Delphi+数据库,其实我怎么觉得数据库本身就可以生成编号,每添加一条数据的时候,数据库的ID字段就会自动加1,形成按顺序变化的ID编号,本程序同样需要SQL数据库配合,可惜作者没有提供数据库文件,对于特别有需要的Delphi编程者,可根据代码还原出数据库的各个细节。 (Automatically generated number, Delphi+ database, in fact, I think how the database itself can generate a number for each add a data ID field of the database will automatically add 1 to form a change order ID number, the program also requires SQL database with a pity that the authors did not provide a database file for Delphi programming special needs, according to the code to restore the database details.)
    2012-12-07 20:25:45下载
  • Indy9
    说明:  Indy 9 for delphi 5,6,7
    2020-02-07 10:49:13下载
  • TMS.Component.Pack.v5.0
    TMS Component Pack V5.0包含了超过 280 个为 Delphi 以及 C++Builder 设计的 TMS 生产控件,省钱又省时。 本版本支持以下 IDE: Delphi 5,6,7,2005 C++Builder 5,6 BDS 2006 (Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006) RAD Studio 2007 (Delphi 2007, C++Builder 2007) RAD Studio 2009 (Delphi 2009, C++Builder 2009)(TMS Component Pack contains more than 280 for Delphi and C++ Builder designed TMS production control, also saving time and money. This version supports the following IDE: Delphi 5,6,7,2005 C++ Builder 5,6 BDS 2006 (Delphi 2006, C++ Builder 2006) RAD Studio 2007 (Delphi 2007, C++ Builder 2007) RAD Studio 2009 ( Delphi 2009, C++ Builder 2009))
    2009-02-06 14:59:40下载
  • DE
    说明:  邮件系统,不错啊,(E-mail system, yes, ah,)
    2008-12-12 15:18:08下载
  • VSPD-Delphi7
    可虛擬兩個RS-232或者是多個RS-232互傳資訊,此源码維Delphi所編寫。(Can be a virtual two RS-232 or RS-232 over pass each other information, this source code written by Victoria Delphi.)
    2020-11-27 09:39:30下载
  • media
    都是关于Glscene的实例,刚开始学习,希望有更多的朋友参与 (About Glscene examples are just the beginning of learning, hope to have more friends to participate in)
    2008-01-22 10:27:59下载
  • dos
    说明:  dos delphi programer
    2019-12-05 14:25:28下载
  • Delphi入门
    资料类参考书,开发参考书,个人认为比较实用的一本入门材料(Data category reference book, the development of reference books, personally think that a more practical entry materials)
    2017-06-18 16:36:56下载
  • Programe-wait
    Programe wait is delphi source code that you can build your choosen file and freez them you fix time.
    2015-04-16 13:24:13下载
  • dpi43456679789767
    一通进销存系统Delphi源码,进货和销售以及存多少货的管理功能(A single source Delphi Invoicing System, purchase and sale of goods, as well as keep the number of management functions)
    2009-05-10 20:52:22下载
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