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  coullet混沌系统,包含DFC控制和绝对值控制(coullet chaotic system, including control and absolute control of DFC)



0 个回复

  • mgsequencegenerate
    该函数将按照输入的优选对,输出相应的m序列和gold序列(The function will be preferred in accordance with the input that the output of the corresponding sequence of m sequences and gold)
    2009-04-22 19:20:13下载
  • wind-turbine-with-induction-generator-for-ng-sir
    wind simulation with induction generator very good
    2012-06-16 14:56:13下载
  • fcmthresh
    FCMTHRESH Thresholding by 3-class fuzzy c-means clustering [bw,level]=fcmthresh(IM,sw) outputs the binary image bw and threshold level of image IM using a 3-class fuzzy c-means clustering. It often works better than Otsu s methold which outputs larger or smaller threshold on fluorescence images. sw is 0 or 1, a switch of cut-off position. sw=0, cut between the small and middle class sw=1, cut between the middle and large class Contributed by Guanglei Xiong (xgl99@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn) at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Please try testfcmthresh.m first!
    2013-04-21 07:13:23下载
  • BST3_array
    In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child. A recursive definition using just set theory notions is that a (non-empty) binary tree is a triple (L, S, R), where L and R are binary trees or the empty set and S is a singleton set.[1] Some authors allow the binary tree to be the empty set as well.
    2016-02-10 15:10:19下载
  • LMD算法 LMDP6Data expansion
    LMD算法利用极值平均、边界局部特征尺度延拓、HDJ极值延拓法、基于ISBM延拓、平行延拓法等对数据拓展,降低端点效应。(The LMD algorithm uses the extreme value average, the boundary local characteristic scale extension, the HDJ extreme value extension method, based on the ISBM extension, the parallel extension method and so on to expand the data, reduces the end effect.)
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  • matlabcPP
    matlab c++对接matlab c++对接(matlab c++)
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    无线传感器的分簇算法。多轮选择簇头,簇内多跳(Wireless sensor clustering algorithm. Several rounds of cluster head selection )
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  • ffffff
    matlab 傅里叶变化原理及程序 函数、傅里叶变换分别以灰度图像的方式或立体图像形式出来(principles and procedures of Matlab Fourier transform functions, Fourier transform, respectively, form of way or three-dimensional image out of grayscale image)
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