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于 2009-05-11 发布 文件大小:481KB
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  matlap bwselect to select object from the image you want



0 个回复

  • weixing
    说明:  matlab实现的卫星轨道模拟,利用卫星轨道根数参量,通过求解开普勒方程求解卫星轨道模型(err)
    2020-11-04 15:19:51下载
  • IterativeClosestPointMethod
    ICP fit points in data to the points in model. Fit with respect to minimize the sum of square errors with the closest model points and data points. Ordinary usage: [R, T] = icp(model,data) INPUT: model - matrix with model points, data - matrix with data points, OUTPUT: R - rotation matrix and T - translation vector accordingly so newdata = R*data + T . newdata are transformed data points to fit model see help icp for more information (ICP fit points in data to the points in model. Fit with respect to minimize the sum of square errors with the closest model points and data points. Ordinary usage: [R, T] = icp(model,data) INPUT: model- matrix with model points, data- matrix with data points, OUTPUT: R- rotation matrix and T- translation vector accordingly so newdata = R*data+ T . newdata are transformed data points to fit model see help icp for more information )
    2007-09-09 16:06:34下载
  • ch3
    内容完整且每章相对独立;是一本简明的MATLAB参考书,既适用于初学者,也适用于高级MATLAB用户。对MATLAB与FORTRAN、C等语言结合的描述更是所有MATLAB书籍中少有的一大特色。(The contents of each chapter is relatively complete and independent it is a simple MATLAB reference books, both for beginners, but also to high-level MATLAB users. Of MATLAB and FORTRAN, C and other languages with a description of all MATLAB books is a major feature of the few.)
    2009-10-17 13:21:31下载
  • mvsb
    matlab编写的VSB残留边带调制代码(matlab prepared VSB VSB modulation code)
    2008-08-02 23:02:56下载
  • plot_hht
    一种提取脑电信号EEG特征的时频处理方法,可以参考HHT(Hilbert-Huang Transform的资料)(EEG characteristics of a kind of EEG time-frequency approach can refer to the HHT (Hilbert-Huang Transform information))
    2010-05-07 18:27:42下载
  • ASCI
    Auto sequential current source inverter.circuit equaally resmbels which is in in p.s.bimbra
    2011-06-18 15:30:42下载
  • Q
    说明:  function form refrence matrixP
    2011-06-21 23:49:01下载
  • nonlinear_regression_model
    主要是非线性回归程序的源代码,并加载了例子和数据,输出结果是回归模型的模型参数、误差以及假设检验的结果。(Mainly non-linear regression program' s source code, and loads of examples and data, the model output is the regression model parameters, errors, and hypothesis testing results.)
    2010-08-25 22:02:41下载
  • Newfoldertwo
    useful resources in matlab
    2010-12-06 06:40:48下载
  • fdmbook-ralated-
    a good book on numerical pde and its miles !
    2011-09-27 21:31:54下载
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