首页 » matlab » Blind-Channel-Estimation


于 2009-05-12 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  就通信系统而言,涉及到有线信道及非卫星无线信道的问题时,信道不再可以看成为恒参信道,信号往往是通过未知信道传播,通常把这样的信道称为盲信道。 本源代码对盲信道的参数进行估计,利用matlab仿真,对做盲信道的工程人员有一定的借鉴价值。(On communications systems, related to non-cable channels and the issue of satellite radio channel, channel no longer can be seen as a channel Constant reference signal is often spread through unknown channels, usually channel such as the blind channel. Source code for the blind channel estimation of the parameters, the use of matlab simulation, on the blind channel to do the engineering staff from a certain value.)



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