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于 2010-11-23 发布 文件大小:53KB
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  点菜 能实现结账买卖等功能 结账份数能累加 是一个简单的工程(Order to achieve balance sheet transactions and other functions can check out copies of the works is a simple additive)



0 个回复

  • 2011021118235664
    汇编源码学习学习包含内容说明详细功能资料(HUI BIAN)
    2011-11-25 11:10:16下载
  • wannianli
    万年历查询及打印系统代码,能查询日历 并输出选定日期的日历,月历,年历(Calendar inquiries and printing system code, can query and output the selected date calendar calendar calendar calendar)
    2008-06-15 19:58:50下载
  • liushuideng
    真正的流水灯:(1)第1,3,5,7个灯半亮,其余的全亮。 (2)第1个亮1/8,第2个亮2/8,第3个亮3/8,第4个亮4/8,第5个亮5/8,第6个亮6/8,第7个亮7/8,第8个全亮。 (3)来点小难的,所有的灯逐渐从暗到全亮,再由全亮到暗。 (4)最难的:8个灯从第一个开始依次渐亮,直到最后一个。再从最后一个起渐暗,直到第一个。如此循环往复。这才是真正的流水灯。 (The real light of the water: (1), paragraphs 1, 3, 5, 7 semi-bright lights, the rest of the bright. (2) a bright 1/8, 2 bright 2/8, 3 bright 3/8, 4 bright 4/8, 5 bright 5/8, 6 bright 6/8 7 bright 7/8, 8 full-bright. (3) to a little difficult, all the lights gradually from dark to full brightness, and then from full bright to dark. (4) the hardest: 8 light from the first start in turn gradually brighter, until the last one. From the last one from the dark, until the first. So on ad infinitum. This is true of light water.)
    2012-05-19 12:03:12下载
  • The-maximum-number-of-five
    求五位数各位数字的平方和为100的最大的五位数(Seeking five digits of the square and 100, the largest number of five)
    2012-10-14 16:23:01下载
  • HackerDisassemblingUncovered
    黑客反汇编大解密,一本介绍反汇编知识的好书,例子深入浅出,适合有一定汇编基础的人员(Hacker disassembly Uncovered, a book about disassembling, easy to understand examples for someone who knows some assembling)
    2010-05-10 09:54:04下载
  • work2
    有五个学生,每个学生有3门课的成绩,从键盘输入以上数据(包括学生号,姓名,三门课成绩),计算出平均成绩,况原有的数据和计算出的平均分数存放在磁盘文件"stud"中。(There are five students, each student has three classes of results, more than from the keyboard input data (including student number, name, class 3 results), calculated the average performance, the status of the original data and calculated the average score placed disk file in the " stud" in.)
    2009-05-12 19:40:59下载
  • 847457336
    VB汇编指令操作类(CALL注入)源程序,有需要的就下载吧。(VB class assembly instruction (CALL injection) source, there is a need to download it.)
    2013-08-17 01:06:08下载
  • OK-OK
    说明:  Bacom use mmc not test very fast
    2020-06-19 19:20:02下载
  • QQT2.2G
    易语言做的QQT2.2WG源码,只是基址旧了,更新一下基址就可以用了(Easy to do QQT2.2WG source language)
    2009-04-12 16:52:57下载
  • snow
    vb模拟雪花,想要电脑屏幕上有令人动容的雪花吗,想不到vb也能做到(vb simulated snow, want to have a computer screen you moving snow, can not think can be done vb)
    2009-04-22 11:52:04下载
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