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  Unmanned Wireless Sensor Network



0 个回复

  • gengamma
    Bayesian Model Selection
    2007-12-19 16:55:34下载
  • ChapterIIIMdocumentandobject-orientedinto
    这是一份MATLAB基础课件,由于我也是初学者,这部课件讲的很浅显,但比较适合初学者对MATLAB所有功能的一个初步了解内容包括涵数值数组及其运算, M文件和面向对象编成, 字符串数组, 符号变量, matlab 绘图 及 Simulnk动态仿真。以及两个基本浅显的程序题。此为第 3章。(This is a basic MATLAB courseware, because I am also a beginner, this software is very simple-speaking, but more suitable for beginners of all the features of MATLAB, a preliminary understanding of the content including the Han and its numerical array computing, M documents and for object into string array, variable symbols, matlab graphics and dynamic simulation Simulnk. As well as the two basic procedures for simple questions. This is Chapter 3.)
    2009-03-22 08:58:10下载
  • ch1
    Matlab讲义高级第一章,大家分享一下(Matlab senior notes chapter, we share)
    2008-01-01 13:44:48下载
  • DOPBoxV1_5
    Discrete Orthogonal Polynomial Toolbox: DOPBox Version 1.5
    2013-07-30 13:30:40下载
  • decompositionen-ondelttes
    this is a code for wavelet decomposition
    2013-05-11 22:53:02下载
  • diferential-evolution-EPS-control
    本程序应用于EPS抗干扰控制策略研究,控制器的设计基于差异进化算法,利用差异进化算法对权函数进行优化,后通过降阶控制形成基于差异进化算法和降阶控制的鲁棒控制器。(Based on a mathematical model, which combines the diferential evolution and the robust control method for solving controller synthesis. )
    2016-01-06 15:58:48下载
  • Matlabapplication
    matlab在27种问题中的应用包括 等切面曲线和相似曲线 旋转网球的轨迹 道路照明问题 计算平面日晷等 (matlab 27 kinds of problems in the application of such section, including rotation curve and the curve similar to tennis, track lighting and other problems of plane sundial)
    2010-08-18 07:48:14下载
  • EX_8
    (1) 新建一个工程demo2,设计一个类Student,其成员变量包括学号(no)、姓名(name)、性别(sex)、专业(major)、联系方式(phone)和地址(addr)。 (2) 为类Student定义成员函数writeTo,实现从给定文本文件中读取学生数据,接口如下: void writeTo (char filename[ ]) (3) 为类Student定义成员函数readFrom,实现将学生数据保存到给定文本文件,接口如下: void readFrom (char filename[ ]) ((1) Create a new project demo2, design a class Student, whose member variables, including school (no), name (name), gender (sex), specialty (major), contact details (phone) and address (addr). (2) define the Student class member function writeTo, students achieve reading data a given text file, the interface is as follows: void writeTo (char filename []) (3) define the Student class member function readFrom, students will achieve data save to text file given, the interface is as follows: void readFrom (char filename []) )
    2016-05-13 19:01:27下载
  • 五种常用小波基含MATLAB实现
    说明:  五种常用小波基含MATLAB实现,Matlab小波分析工具箱原理与应用(MatlabToolBox for wavelet analysis and five common wavelet bases realized by Matlab)
    2020-06-10 08:57:38下载
  • doppler_rate
    该程序是估计卫星通信中MPSK的多普勒频率的变化率。(Estimate Doppler frequency rate of change of MPSK)
    2010-08-07 17:19:13下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103783会员总数
  • 41今日下载