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于 2009-12-06 发布 文件大小:7KB
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  Filtro LC para PWM jhagyusagyuegae



0 个回复

    这是matlab中实现PID经典控制算法程序(This is the classic PID control algorithm program in matlab)
    2012-03-21 14:53:36下载
  • UnwellLineEquSet-matlab
    病态线性方程组的计算题,涉及Gauss消元法、雅可比迭代法、高斯-赛德尔迭代法、最速下降法和共轭梯度法。每一个方法,都编写一个m文件,封装成函数的形式。然后通过总的HilbLineEquSet.m文件来调用执行,画出误差曲线图,得到运行结果。总的Matlab程序流程,如下所示: 病态方程组的计算包括:HilbLineEquSet.m、gauss.m、jacobi.m、gauss_seidel.m、fastest_descend.m和conjugated_grad.m六个文件。 程序执行结果包括:求解结果、迭代次数、迭代误差数据、误差曲线图等。 (Morbid Linear Equations calculation problems involving Gauss elimination method, Jacobi' s iterative method, Gauss- Seidel iterative method, steepest descent method and conjugate gradient method. Each method, all the preparation of an m file, packaged in the form of a function. Then the total HilbLineEquSet.m file to invoke the implementation of draw error curve, to be running results. General Matlab program flow, as follows: the calculation of morbid equations include: HilbLineEquSet.m, gauss.m, jacobi.m, gauss_seidel.m, fastest_descend.m and conjugated_grad.m six documents. Procedures for implementation of the findings include: solving a result, the number of iterations, iterative error data, error curve and so on.)
    2009-12-10 19:08:10下载
  • matlab-
    赶紧开了个借口的时间看了附件是德国获得客户(Quickly opened a time to read the attachment is an excuse to get customers in Germany)
    2011-05-03 18:24:59下载
  • Mathematical-Contest
    此文是数学建模竞赛论文写作和软件介绍,内含有较多数学建模的算法和实例,方便大家学习(Mathematical Contest in Modeling essay writing and software introduced)
    2013-01-05 10:29:27下载
  • testadaptivethreshold
    adaptive thresholding and average filter
    2014-10-10 01:57:50下载
  • AWGNGolay
    AWGN channel simulation with Golay coding. Modulation method is BPSK. BER curve is provided.
    2007-10-27 16:48:50下载
  • TDEB
    高阶谱分析3,适用于阵列信号处理、雷达信号处理等(。-High-order spectral analysis toolbox for array signal processing, radar signal processing.)
    2009-04-04 16:07:07下载
  • youhua1
    遗传算法的电机优化程序,个人专门编写的,对于初学者来说,可以借鉴(function youhua1() 遗传算法 n-- 种群规模 ger-- 迭代次数 pc--- 交叉概率 pm-- 变异概率 v-- 初始种群(规模为n) f-- 目标函数值 fit-- 适应度向量 vx-- 最优适应度值向量 vmfit-- 平均适应度值向量 clear all close all clc 清屏 tic 计时器开始计时 n=20 ger=100 pc=0.9 pm=0.1 初始化参数 生成初始种群 v=init_population(n,44) 得到初始种群,22串长,生成20*22的0-1矩阵 [N,L]=size(v) 得到初始规模行,列 disp(sprintf( Number of generations: d ,ger)) disp(sprintf( Population size: d ,N)) disp(sprintf( Crossover probability: .3f ,pc)) disp(sprintf( Mutation probability: .3f ,pm)) sprintf可以控制输出格式 待优化问题)
    2020-12-11 20:19:19下载
  • 4
    说明:  信号处理,进行信号检测与处理,通过设定threshold来进行信号检测的可信度调整(Credibility adjustment signal processing, signal detection and processing, by setting threshold for signal detection)
    2013-12-02 04:18:55下载
  • FastICA
    FastICA快速独立分量分析的MATLAB源代码,功能全面,有简洁易用的figure界面,操作容易上手,能处理多路混合信号,并输出计算结果,生成信号的图形,便于进一步的分析(FastICA fast independent component analysis of MATLAB source code, there are simple and easy to use interface, figure, operating particularly easy to use, able to handle multi-channel mixed-signal, and outputs the calculated results, the signal is generated graphics)
    2010-03-03 19:31:48下载
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