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于 2009-05-17 发布 文件大小:19KB
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  interop between C# and matlab



0 个回复

  • rscore
    数据标准化处理函数,输入待处理矩阵,参数dim默认或取1,对列进行标准化处理,dim取2对行处理(Standardized data processing functions, input matrix to be processed, the default parameters, or to take a dim, standardization of columns, dim to take two pairs of line processing)
    2011-09-28 18:46:32下载
  • MatlabandVC++
    说明:  文章叙述了VC++和matlab之间的接口,是用他们同时开发一个项目的好文章(The article describes the VC++ And the interface between matlab, is to use them to develop a project at the same time a good article)
    2008-12-05 19:05:21下载
  • att
    奇异吸引子,混沌吸引子,复杂系统理论,画法代码。(Strange attractor, chaotic attractor, complex systems theory, painting code.)
    2013-12-17 13:00:27下载
  • 92421039VC-CALL-matlab.m
    vc调用matlab中自定义的.m函数,对于混编简单的例子(Vc call custom in matlab. M function,For simple example mixed)
    2013-09-23 09:31:41下载
  • uC-GUI_user
    Specifications written in this manual are believed to be accurate, but are not guaran- teed to be entirely free of error. Specifications in this manual may be changed for functional or performance improvements without notice. Please make sure your man- ual is the latest edition. While the information herein is assumed to be accurate, Micrium Technologies Corporation (the distributor) assumes no responsibility for any(Specifications written in this manual are believed to be accurate, but are not guaran-teed to be entirely free of error. Specifications in this manual may be changed for functional or performance improvements without notice. Please make sure your man-ual is the latest edition . While the information herein is assumed to be accurate, Micrium Technologies Corporation (the distributor) assumes no responsibility for any)
    2013-04-15 17:28:25下载
  • Software-Testing
    随着计算机技术的迅速发展和越来越广泛深入地应用于国民经济和社会生活的各个方面,随着 软件系统的规模和复杂性与日俱增,软件的生产成本和软件中存在的缺陷和故障造成的各类损失也 大大增加,甚至会带来灾难性的后果。软件质量问题已成为所有使用软件和开发软件的人关注的焦 点。由于软件是人脑的高度智力化的体现和产品这一特殊性,不同于其他科技和生产领域,因此软件与生俱来就有可能存在着缺陷。(With the rapid development of computer technology and the more extensively used in the national economy and social life in all its aspects, with the growing size and complexity of software systems, software production costs and software defects and faults caused various types of losses also increased significantly, even catastrophic consequences. Software quality has become the focus of all those who use the software and software development concern. Because the software is highly intellectual expression and product of the special nature of the human brain, unlike other areas of technology and production, so the software may be born with a defect exists.)
    2013-12-04 22:25:34下载
  • pro
    以及简易倒立摆,实现一级PID建议算法控制倒立摆不倒的程序,仅做参考(yi ji jian y idao li bai)
    2013-10-23 16:52:50下载
  • zuoye7
    第k小元素(分治法) 给定一个线性序列集,要求求出其中指定的第K小的数的值和位置.如给定n个元素和一个整数i,1≤i≤n,输出这n个元素中第i小元素的值及其位置;(First k small element (divide and conquer) Given a set of linear sequence, where the specified requirements determined the K value and the small number of locations, such as a given n elements and an integer i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, output this is the n elements of the i-th element value and the position of the small )
    2013-11-16 11:51:31下载
  • simple
    计算流体力学里常用的simple算法实现,尤其对不可压缩流体数值模拟。以库埃特流为例(Computational fluid dynamics in the simple algorithm used to achieve, especially for numerical simulation of incompressible fluid. Couette flow as an example to)
    2008-06-06 14:30:12下载
  • BCH-coding-
    PCH coding 编码仿真 , matlab 实现(PCH code simulation, matlab implementation)
    2011-05-27 14:55:28下载
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