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于 2010-11-29 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  有限差分法求解泊松方程 一个例子 比较精确解和数值解(Finite Difference Method for Poisson equation; An example to compare the exact solution to the numerical solution)



0 个回复

  • ASFA
    本代码实现了人工鱼群算法(ASFA.m),并用该算法寻找Sphere函数的极小值(This is a ASFA .)
    2014-02-21 10:22:20下载
  • Matlab_Help_Translate
    The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB ( This code is written by M.A. (aka lftx). The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB to Turkish (you can modify it). So do not expect much. You need an active internet connection for this function to work The function uses a java package to use GOOGLE translate s API which is not developed by me, for detailed description of the java files you can check http://code.google.com/p/google-api-translate-java/ the usage of the file is very similar to the original "help" function and if you add the files to your matlab s path you can use it as you use MATLAB "help" function EXAMPLES: helptr eye EXAMPLES: helptr( why ) or helptr why The function has been working as of DEC 2010 I cannot guarantee that it would be working in the future, as google might change its API, or might not like your referring webpage or maybe your IP. )
    2010-12-14 15:40:10下载
  • 12
    说明:  运用MATLAB语言将矩形波转换成正弦波以及绘制学生成绩图(The use of MATLAB language to convert the rectangular wave sine wave and the mapping of student achievement plans)
    2010-01-16 11:08:50下载
  • qpsk
    实现不同噪声情况下qpsk的调制,并得出了星座图。(Implement different noise situation of QPSK modulation and the constellation diagram is obtained. )
    2013-03-15 21:58:08下载
  • pid-b
    tuning of pid parameter with fuzzy-method 2
    2012-04-24 15:46:48下载
  • lua-5.2.3.tar
    lua open source libary
    2014-10-21 09:41:22下载
  • Matlab工具箱应用 苏金明编
    说明:  matlab工具箱教程,例子详解,界面,操作教程,通俗易懂(Matlab toolbox tutorials, examples, interfaces, operating tutorials, easy to understand)
    2019-03-25 21:52:41下载
  • NEH_ForTFT
    排序问题的NEH算法,用于解决最小总完工时间的无等待流水调度问题,是最有名的启发式算法(NEH algorithm is the best algorithm for serching the minimum total flow time of no wait flow-shop porblem )
    2020-08-25 16:38:16下载
  • SCSToolboxV2
    将压缩感知用于谱估计中,根据论文谱压缩感知的一些程序(Compressive sensing (CS) is a new approach to simultaneous sensing and compression of sparse and compressible signals based on randomized dimensionality reduction. To recover a signal from its compressive measurements, standard CS algorithms seek the sparsest signal in some discrete basis or frame that agrees with the measurements. A great many applications feature smooth or modulated signals that are frequency sparse and can be modeled as a superposition of a small number of sinusoids. Unfortunately, such signals are only sparse in the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) domain when the sinusoid frequencies live precisely at the center of the DFT bins. When this is not the case, CS recovery performance degrades significantly. In this paper, we introduce a suite of spectral CS (SCS) recovery algorithms for arbitrary frequency sparse signals. The key ingredients are an over-sampled DFT frame, a signal model that inhibits closely spaced sinusoids, and classical sinusoid parameter e)
    2012-06-29 10:10:42下载
  • mtsp_ga
    求解多旅行商问题的Matlab程序,可用与求解多钻头打孔机(A procedure for solving multiple traveling salesman problem in Matlab.)
    2013-07-18 22:03:42下载
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