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于 2009-05-20 发布 文件大小:6376KB
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  自己写的一个基于肤色的人脸检测代码 用matlab做得 (face detection based on the skin colour)



0 个回复

  • 81404573MIMO-OFDMchannelestimation
    MIMO-OFDM channel estimation 。是基于mmse准则的,欢迎大家下载使用。(MIMO-OFDM channel estimation. Is based on the MMSE criteria, welcomed everyone download.)
    2008-04-02 09:18:28下载
  • shulongdianji
    This is the MATLAB platform on setting up the simulink model. Hope everyone to correct mistakes
    2012-10-31 10:25:40下载
  • WSNexample
    无线传感器网络仿真例子文件loadAndPrintNet.m,networksDB.mat,oneRoundWSN.m.需要用到图论工具箱grtheory(Examples of wireless sensor network simulation file loadAndPrintNet.m, networksDB.mat, oneRoundWSN.m. Need to use graph theory toolbox grtheory)
    2014-01-22 11:21:50下载
  • Shop-scheduling-genetic-algorithm
    说明:  遗传算法车间调度,车间作业调度问题遗传算法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 输入参数列表 M 遗传进化迭代次数 N 种群规模(取偶数) Pm 变异概率 T m×n的矩阵,存储m个工件n个工序的加工时间 P 1×n的向量,n个工序中,每一个工序所具有的机床数目 输出参数列表 Zp 最优的Makespan值 Y1p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的开始时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y2p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的结束时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y3p 最优方案中,各工件各工序使用的机器编号 Xp 最优决策变量的值,决策变量是一个实数编码的m×n矩阵 LC1 收敛曲线1,各代最优个体适应值的记录 LC2 收敛曲线2,各代群体平均适应值的记录 最后,程序还将绘出三副图片:两条收敛曲线图和甘特图(各工件的调度时序图)(Genetic algorithm scheduling, job shop scheduling problems with genetic algorithms -------------------------------------------------------------------------- genetic evolution of the input parameter list, the number of iterations M N population size (taken even) Pm mutation probability T m × n matrix, stored m one piece n a process of processing time 1 × n vector, n a process in which each machine processes the number of Zp with the best value Y1p Optimal Makespan programs, the start time of each process the workpiece can be drawn based on its optimal solution Gantt Y2p, each time the workpiece end of the process, according to its draw Gantt Y3p optimal solution, each piece of the processes using machine code Xp optimal decision variable, decision variable is a real m × n matrix encoded LC1 convergence curve 1, the generation of the best individual record of LC2 fitness convergence curve 2, the average fitness value on behalf of groups record Finally, the program will draw three pict)
    2021-01-27 13:58:35下载
  • sqtest
    对信源进行标量量化,量化至用户给定的量化级和量化范围中(To source for scalar quantification, quantification to users of the given quantitative level and quantitative range )
    2011-12-29 16:17:47下载
  • Google_Code_SISO
    In parallel, the success of turbo codes has inspired new potentially ... Interference Cancellation (MMSE-IC) joint decoding receivers or turbo ... equalizer .... are stored on a hard drive and then processed using Matlab.
    2013-12-11 02:29:41下载
  • MATLABpid
    先进 PID 控制及其 MATLAB 仿真(教材+相关程序) 刘金琨 著 电 子 工 业 出 版 社 内 容 简 介 本书从 MATLAB 仿真角度系统地介绍了 PID 控制的基本理论、基本方法和应用技术,是作者多年来从事控制系统教学和科研工作的结晶,同时融入了国内外同行近年来所取得的新成果。 全书共分十章,包括连续系统和离散系统的 PID 控制,常用数字 PID 控制,专家 PID和模糊 PID 控制,神经 PID 控制,遗传算法 PID 控制,多变量解耦 PID 控制,几种先进的PID 控制,灰色 PID 控制,伺服系统 PID 控制,PID 实时控制,每种方法都通过 MATLAB 仿真程序进行了说明。本书各部分内容既相互联系又相互独立,读者可根据自己需要选择学习。本书适用于从事生产过程自动化、计算机应用、机械电子和电气自动化领域工作的工程技术人员阅读,也可作为大专院校工业自动化、自动控制、机械电子、自动化仪表、计算机应用等专业的教学参考书。(advanced PID control and MATLAB (materials related procedures) with the electronics industry, Hangzhou Press Description of the book from the perspective of MATLAB simulation system introduced PID control of the basic theory, Basic methods and techniques, is the author of control systems for years to teaching and research work at the crystallization Meanwhile at home and abroad into the peer in recent years has made new achievements. The book is divided into 10 chapters, including discrete and continuous system of PID control system, commonly used digital PID control, Expert PID and fuzzy PID control, neural PID control, genetic algorithm PID control, Multivariable decoupling PID control, several advanced PID control, gray PID control, PID control servo system, PID control in real time, ea)
    2021-04-28 12:38:44下载
  • M-Files
    2010-07-23 16:45:40下载
  • FastDecoupledLoadFlow
    Here, an implementation of Fast Decoupled Load flow is matlab platform is done. This is used for Load flow studies (Electrical).
    2009-06-16 16:35:43下载
  • Ge__sphere
    说明:  菲涅耳全息图的生成与重现(Fresnel hologram formation and reproducibility)
    2008-10-10 10:32:42下载
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