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于 2009-05-22 发布 文件大小:120KB
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说明:  r/s法matlab函数的中文说明及例程、附带上证hurst数值的计算。(r/s Law of the Chinese matlab function descriptions and routines, with the Shanghai hurst numerical calculations.)



0 个回复

  • ParzenPNN
    PNN的matlab源程序,包含parzenPNNclassify、parzenPNNlearning、parzenPNNimproving(PNN' s matlab source, including parzenPNNclassify, parzenPNNlearning, parzenPNNimproving)
    2010-10-22 11:13:46下载
  • zong
    (1) 数据源:随机产生752*8bit作为数据源 (2) 按照DTMB的能量扩散初始相位和生成多项式来产生伪随机数据并对原始数据源进行加扰 (3) 加扰后的数据直接进行解扰,观察误码率的值,验证加扰算法 (4) 按照DTMB标准构造BCH(1023,1013)来实现BCH(762,752)信道编码器和解码器,并观察其误码率是否为0来验证其正确性。 (5) 最后把能量扩散和BCH编码级联,接收端把BCH解码和解扰级联,观察其误码率,验证正确性。 ((1) Source: randomly generated 752* 8bit as data source (2) in accordance with the energy of the initial phase and the diffusion DTMB generator polynomial to generate a pseudo-random data and the original data source scramble (3) the scrambled data is directly descramble, the bit error rate of the observed values, verification scrambling algorithm (4) In accordance with DTMB standard configuration BCH (1023,1013) to achieve the BCH (762,752) channel encoder and decoder and observe its error rate is 0 to verify its correctness. (5) Finally, the energy dispersal and BCH coding cascade, the receiving end of the BCH decoding and descrambling cascade observed error rate, to verify the correctness.)
    2015-11-18 19:14:05下载
  • xiaoshuj
    用于小数据法求Lyapunov指数的计算的Matlab程序。(Method for small data calculated Lyapunov index Matlab procedures.)
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  • matlab
    IIR一阶低通滤波器 一阶高通滤波器 Notch 嵌波滤波器 Peak 滤波器 IIR低通滤波(Butterworth) IIR高通滤波(Butterworth) IIR带通滤波(Butterworth) IIR带阻滤波(Butterworth) IIR低通滤波(chebyshev 1) IIR低通滤波(chebyshev 1) chebyshev 中用到的函数 cheby.m(First-order IIR low-pass filter the first-order high-pass filter Notch filter inlay Peak wave filter IIR low-pass filter (Butterworth) IIR high-pass filtering (Butterworth) IIR band-pass filter (Butterworth) IIR band-stop filter (Butterworth) IIR low-pass filter (chebyshev 1) IIR low-pass filter (chebyshev 1) chebyshev function used cheby.m)
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  • Eanalysis
    电力市场稳定性分析硕士论文及matlab程序源代码,专业参考(Power market stability analysis matlab master' s thesis and the source code of professional reference)
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