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于 2009-12-17 发布 文件大小:2173KB
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  这是天津大学matlab讲义-赵国瑞 感觉讲得挺不错!(This is the Tianjin University matlab lecture- Zhao Guorui speak quite in a good feeling!)



0 个回复

  • cdma
    这是一个完整的无线通信系统中物理层的仿真程序,通过扩频技术(直接序列扩频)让信号通过高斯,瑞利等信道进行信噪比分析,得出结论(This is a complete wireless communication systems in the physical layer of the simulation program, through the spread-spectrum techniques (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) to signal through the Gaussian, Rayleigh channel for signal to noise ratio, such as analysis, come to the conclusion)
    2009-03-23 21:38:40下载
  • hundunpso
    针对二维熵图像分割方法在求取最佳阈值时存在计算量大及微粒群算法容易陷 入局部最优且速度较慢等等问题, 提出了基于混沌粒子群优化算法的二维熵图像分割方法。 该方法考虑了图像中像素点灰度􀀂 􀀂 􀀂 邻域灰度均值对作为阈值对图像进行分割 利用混沌运 动随机性、遍历性和初值敏感性, 将混沌粒子群优化算法与阈值法相结合在二维空间作全局搜 索。实验结果表明了基于混沌粒子群优化算法的二维熵图像分割法用于阈值寻优减少了搜索 时间, 提高了收敛率。(Calculation of its large capacity and particle swarm algorithm is easy to fall to strike the best threshold for the two-dimensional entropy image segmentation method Into the local optimum and slower, the proposed two-dimensional entropy image segmentation method based on chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm. The method takes into account the image pixel the gray 􀀂 􀀂 􀀂 neighborhood average gray value as a threshold for image segmentation chaotic transport Dynamic randomness, ergodicity and initial value sensitivity of chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm with the threshold method in two-dimensional space for the global search On request. Experimental results show that the entropy method of image segmentation method based on chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm for threshold optimization to reduce the search Time and improve the convergence rate.)
    2012-04-10 22:00:27下载
  • PSOforTSP
    粒子群算法解决旅行商问题 的matlab程序 (The matlab program to solve TSP)
    2011-06-15 23:48:04下载
  • global-optimization-toolbox
    全局优化工具箱,详细说明优化工具箱的使用及注意事项(Global Optimization Toolbox, Optimization Toolbox with detailed instructions and precautions)
    2013-08-08 12:31:16下载
  • wvd
    this is a good code for you.
    2011-12-12 20:03:28下载
  • [emuch.net]Matlab
    Matlab陀螺仪仿真,里面有GUI仿真以及M文件,可根据需要自行改变运动轨迹(Matlab simulation, a gyroscope simulation and M file, there is a GUI can be according to the need to change the trajectory )
    2014-06-21 13:59:57下载
  • knvq
    研究生时的现代信号处理的作业,直线阵采用切比学夫加权控制主旁瓣比,数据模型归一化,模态振动,基于kaiser窗的双谱线插值FFT谐波分析,通过matlab代码,自己编的5种调制信号,一种噪声辅助数据分析方法。( Modern signal processing jobs when the graduate, Linear array using cut than learning laid upon the right control of the main sidelobe ratio, Normalized data model, modal vibration, Dual-line interpolation FFT harmonic analysis kaiser windows, By matlab code, Own five modulation signal, A noise auxiliary data analysis method.)
    2016-04-14 21:26:53下载
    ga的一个仿真例子程序,还不错,用起来效果比较好,需要自己根据项目情况写适应度函数(ga a simulation example of the procedure, but also good to use effect is better, the basis of project information required to write their own fitness function)
    2009-02-16 18:21:33下载
  • GN
    说明:  复杂网络中的GN算法...............(Complex network of GN algorithm ...............)
    2009-05-02 18:56:30下载
  • yuanjihua
    电磁场圆极化波的电场和磁场的矢量表示和传播可以便于观察相位的关系,电磁场仿真应用(wave spread circular polarization)
    2012-12-30 13:56:51下载
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