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于 2021-03-29 发布 文件大小:1106KB
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  基于HTTP的入侵检测程序,运行前需先装winpcap。(HTTP-based intrusion detection procedures, first installed before running winpcap.)





0 个回复

  • vncviewer
    说明:  这是一个比较复杂的远程控制工具,分为服务器与客户斋,让你了解socket编程的知识.(This is a more complex remote control tools, is divided into server and client fasting, so that you understand socket programming knowledge.)
    2008-11-17 16:42:34下载
  • sjwl
    用VB编写的 循环神经网络 股票预测系统(Recurrent neural network stock prediction system written in VB)
    2012-10-25 19:24:06下载
  • soitwareprogrammingprogramming
    Opc use the software, use VB programming
    2018-11-03 13:55:29下载
  • ADOSocket
    vc++对ado数据库访问的接口类,提供对数据库的连接访问等方法(vc right ado database access interface type, the right to access database methods)
    2006-05-31 12:36:45下载
  • SendFileClient
    VC++实现类似于QQ文件传输功能的文件发送与接收程序示例,分为服务端和客户端,客户端首次接收数据,将判断文件包大小,数据包中一定包含完整的数据包结构信息,数据不一定完整;读取数据包的大小,包含数据包结构大小和数据大小,之前接收的数据与现在接收的数据能够构成至少一个完整的数据包,文件接收完毕则设置结束标记,若终止的连接,则弹出窗口告诉用户,对方终止了文件传送。   服务端程序是比较简单的,基本是复制文件数据、判断文件是否传递成功、等待对方收受发送任务或取消发送任务,分包继续发送文件等功能(VC++ implementation is similar to QQ file transfer capabilities to send and receive files program examples, divided into server and client, the client receives the first data packet to determine the file size, the packet must contain the complete information packet structure, the data is not must complete reading packet size, including the size and structure of the data packet size, and previously received data received data can now constitute at least one complete packet, the file has been received then set the mark, if the connection is terminated, the pop-up window telling the user, the other party to terminate the file transfer. Server program is relatively simple, basically copying the file data, to determine whether the file transfer is successful, waiting for the other to accept or cancel the sending task sends tasks, subcontractors continue to send files and other functions )
    2014-06-03 13:50:03下载
  • client
    局域网监控系统客户端程序,可以与服务器端的程序一起形成一个局域网监控系统。(juyuwang jiankong kehuduan)
    2010-12-24 16:39:18下载
  • 111
    说明:  实时视频传输有很大的实用价值,对采集到的原始视频信息进行压缩编码,获取己编码视频流是实现实时视频传输和QoS研究的关键。(Real-time video transmission are of great practical value of collected information for the original video coding, video streaming access to their own code is to achieve real-time video transmission and the key QoS.)
    2009-08-01 11:04:37下载
  • 49525823chap04Telnet
    Visual C++ .NET 网络与通信高级编程范例配套代码(Visual C++. NET network and high-level programming paradigm supporting code)
    2014-02-20 23:05:14下载
  • File-Manager
    通过MFC socket编程实现远程查看硬盘及文件夹和文件的功能(MFC socket programming function to remotely view the hard drive and the folders and files)
    2021-04-01 14:49:09下载
  • Chat1
    本次上传内容为基于UDP的网络聊天程序,利用SOCKET套接字进行数据通讯,本实验是本人做的计算机网络课程设计,有mfc的CSocket编的。(The uploaded content for UDP-based chat program, the use of SOCKET socket for data communication, I am doing this experiment is a computer network curriculum design, there is the mfc CSocket compiled.)
    2011-09-10 10:12:41下载
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