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  Lab to rgb conversion



0 个回复

  • infosaliencyshort
    A visual saliency detector
    2010-12-09 22:37:59下载
  • mysusan
    SUSAN算法 角点提取算法 matlab(SUSAN code matlab)
    2013-07-10 19:55:29下载
  • prezhou
    说明:  matlab对神经网络的实现的源码,是学习神经网络的好参考材料(Matlab right neural network on the realization of the source of neural network learning a good reference material)
    2005-12-06 00:17:31下载
  • boyin747simulink
    说明:  国外编写的仿真程序,利用Simulink软件对波音747飞机进行仿真,很有参考价值(The preparation of the simulation program abroad, the use of Simulink software for Boeing 747 aircraft simulation, useful reference)
    2020-12-02 10:59:25下载
  • MATLABOFDMfangzhen
    对正交频分复用的仿真,主要针对其简单原理进行仿真(On orthogonal frequency division multiplexing of the simulation, the main principle for its simple simulation)
    2009-01-12 18:55:26下载
  • SIFT_matlabe1
    This is a MATLAB implementation of the SIFT keypoint detector and descriptor (do_gaussian: generate Gaussian scale space of input image do_diffofg: generate Difference of Gaussian (DoG) scale space do_localmax: local extrema as the potential keypoints do_extrefine: refine the keypoints by discarding the ones with low contrast and along an edge do_orientation: compute the orientation of a support region of keypoint do_descriptor: compute the descriptor of a keypoint based on image gradients. do_match: match two images based on the nearest neighbor principle and spatial consistency. do_sift: generate the SIFT descriptors for a given input image. It basically s all the functions above. )
    2015-01-13 19:34:30下载
  • fenxi
    用牛顿分析分析方程根的位置,并且用分形算法分析逻辑斯蒂模型。(Analysis of equations with the Newton root position, and the fractal algorithm for logistic model.)
    2010-07-23 16:52:17下载
  • 免疫算法
    免疫算法,与遗传算法相似,只是多用了一个免疫函数;免疫算法是遗传算法的变体,它不用杂交,而是采用注入疫苗的方法。(Immune algorithm, similar to the genetic algorithm, but the use of an immune function; immune algorithm is a variant of genetic algorithms, it does not hybrid, but the use of vaccination method.)
    2017-08-15 11:22:29下载
  • shortestpath
    最短路问题的MATLAB求解,给出图的邻接矩阵输出源点到汇点的最短距离及路线方案,另外根据Floyd算法可得到任意两点的最短距离!(Of MATLAB to solve the shortest path problem is given adjacency matrix output of the source point to the Meeting Point, the shortest distance and route programs, addition, according to Floyd algorithm for the shortest distance between any two points available!)
    2009-09-27 20:27:19下载
  • ABSE
    本源程序可用于语音识别的端点检测算法,双门限端点检测算法+基于谱熵端点检测。。。(Double threshold endpoint detection algorithm+ endpoint detection based on spectral entropy)
    2014-10-16 20:53:16下载
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