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于 2009-05-28 发布 文件大小:441KB
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  Matlab仿真DSB-SC信号与双极性不归零码实验报告(Matlab simulation of DSB-SC signal with NRZ bipolar experiment does not report)



0 个回复

  • NonlinearLPofMIT
    This is a pdf filw of the course Nonlinear Programming in MIT
    2010-10-20 16:20:08下载
  • face
    人脸识别的matlab程序,不过是一个主程序界面,要是用的话还得调用很多的子程序(Face recognition matlab program, but is a main program interface, if used, then have to call a lot of subroutines)
    2007-10-14 16:29:43下载
  • sconv
    调用MATLAB命令conv()函数,编写连续信号卷积和的通用程序sconv( )(Call the MATLAB command conv () function, the preparation of continuous signal convolution, and the general program sconv ())
    2010-05-06 11:49:33下载
  • Particle-swarm-optimization
    粒子群算法是一种新的模仿鸟类群体行为的智能优化算法,描述了基本粒子群算法和改进粒子群算法的原理。(Particle swarm optimization (pso) algorithm is a kind of new imitate birds swarm behavior of intelligent optimization algorithm, describes the basic principle of particle swarm optimization (pso) algorithm and improved particle swarm algorithm .)
    2013-12-08 14:41:49下载
  • RF
    说明:  数值分析 清华大学 杨顶辉 数值实验4.1 算法设计与比较(numerical analysis)
    2020-12-25 20:49:03下载
  • xiefangcha
    高频雷达 目标检测 去除Bragg峰 采用现代信号处理的方法 协方差方法(Remove high-frequency radar target detection Bragg peak using the methods of modern signal processing methods covariance)
    2011-01-30 11:03:05下载
  • compared_two_groupofnumbers
    在matlab环境下读取两个txt文档中的内容,并实现两个内容的相似性比较(compare with two groups of int number)
    2013-11-09 13:55:27下载
  • HHTquintessence
    HHT精华讨论,对运用HHT进行数据分析时遇到的问题有详细的解答,是学习HHT不可或缺的资料(HHT essence discussion, this paper analyzed the data using HHT is there detailed solution to the problems encountered in the process of, is indispensable to study HHT data)
    2013-07-11 10:33:09下载
  • extend_kalman
    扩展KALMAN滤波方面的应用,应用于系统跟踪等方面的问题(extended Kalman filter on the application, application tracking systems and other issues)
    2007-03-01 17:26:28下载
  • paper1
    Gabor小波变换技术对医学CT图像进行纹理特征分类时,由于图像拍摄角度的变化会造成分类的误差。针对以上问题,在Gabor小波变换的基础上提出一种用于分析旋转不变医学图像的方法。该方法采用旋转规范化,即特征元素的循环移位使规范化后所有的图像都具有相同的主方向。实验结果表明,加入旋转规范化循环算子的Gabor小波变换在医学CT图像纹理特征分类时能够达到较好的精确度。(Gabor wavelet transform lacks in its ability to classify the medical CT image if it’s rotation invariant image. Aiming at the problem, an approach is presented for rotation invariant medical texture classification based on Gabor wavelet transform. Rotation normalization is achieved by circular shift of the feature elements, so that all images have the same dominant direction. Experimental result shows that Gabor wavelet transform with circular operator of rotation normalization has well precision to classify the medical CT image.)
    2011-12-04 15:42:15下载
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