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于 2009-05-31 发布 文件大小:17908KB
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说明:  蚁群算法原理及其应用PFD,希望对你们有帮助啊(Principle and Application of ant colony algorithm PFD, you would like to help ah)



0 个回复

  • 层次分析法
    通过使用matlab,对层次分析法进行求解,从而进一步确定权重,更快的解决问题。(By using matlab, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is solved to further determine the weight and solve the problem more quickly.)
    2019-04-18 08:56:05下载
  • 3
    说明:  层次分析法,简单易操作,可用于计算权重,选择出比较重要的元素。(ahp,easy to operate。Can be used to calculate the weight, the more important the selected element.)
    2014-10-07 14:35:16下载
  • GLMetaseq.h
    让ARToolKit支持MQO模型的必须头文件,GLMetaseq.h(Let ARToolKit support MQO model must header files, GLMetaseq.h)
    2014-02-09 23:10:11下载
  • pcm
    该段程序完成了由输入信号抽样值到pcm的编码过程.(The section of program completed by the input signal value to the pcm coding process.)
    2010-10-30 15:51:37下载
  • Matlab-book-base
    matlab的参考书 对于基本语法的使用很详细,很实用,特别是对于通信行业者(matlab reference books for the use of the basic syntax is very detailed, very practical, especially for the communications industry who)
    2012-06-07 12:24:29下载
  • Poetry-appreciation-system
    Poetry appreciation system(Be able to specify the folder poetry files (text files, not less than 10) in the order of eleven appreciate, the last one poem to the next song is the first poem, the first verse is the last one before a poem. User interface menu (or Command button) should at least include locate the folder, on a poem, The next poem, Exit 4. Tip: You can use DriveListBox, DirListBox and FileListBox controls.)
    2015-01-08 14:05:15下载
  • nengliangjiance-
    可模拟能量检测 在任职无线网络中的频谱感知中有重要应用(Can simulate the energy detection in wireless networks in office, there are important applications of the spectrum sensing)
    2011-04-22 15:14:08下载
  • Msimulatee1A
    用MATLAB实现加噪信号的消噪噪,用了三种常用方法。可直接使用。 (Using MATLAB to increase noise and signal noise cancellation noise, with three commonly used methods. Can be used directly.)
    2012-07-22 23:25:24下载
  • LCS
    最长公共子序列的个人实验,输入两个不同的字符序列(要求必须是字母),将输出这两个字符序列的最长公共子序列。(Individual experiments longest common subsequence, enter two different sequences of characters (letters must be required), the output of the longest common subsequence of the two-character sequence.)
    2014-01-11 23:55:57下载
  • yellow
    是基于的Robot Soccer v1.5a控制源码(Is based on the control of the Robot Soccer v1.5a source)
    2008-05-19 08:40:41下载
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