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于 2009-12-28 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  LDPC码 做毕业论文要用的码 不太好编 希望各位借鉴加以改正(LDPC)



0 个回复

  • bistable
    光学双稳特性曲线 调制作用:It=Ii*T(phi) 反馈作用:phi=phi_0+K*It 得透射率T(phi)与相移phi的反馈关系是 T(phi)=[phi-phi_0]/[K*Ii] 式中phi_0为初始相移 对于多干涉(F-P干涉)有: T(phi)=1/[1+F*(sin(phi/2))^2](Optical bistable characteristic curve modulation role: It = Ii* T (phi) feedback: phi = phi_0+ K* It may transmittance T (phi) and phase-shifting relationship between phi feedback T (phi) = [phi-phi_0 ]/[K* Ii] where phi_0 for the initial phase shift for the multi-interference (FP interference) are: T (phi) = 1/[1+ F* (sin (phi/2)) ^ 2])
    2007-12-19 22:59:57下载
  • matlab-raytrace
    射线追踪,包含了起点和终点的射线函数,对于地震传播研究具有重要意义!(Raytracing in a v(z) world. The toolbox contains functions forshooting fans of rays and functions for tracing rays with specific start and end points. General multi-bounce rays with any number of mode conversions can be traced. Automatic routines for P-P and P-S primaries in shot-gather geometry are provided for convenience. Any recording geometry can be used but most functions vectorize (e.g. are most efficient) for shot-gather geometry. Only traveltimes and rayparameters are detemined, not amplitudes. In these routines, the velocity models should be considered as "background" models. This means that the depths at which flections and mode conversions occur are dependent of the depths given as layer boundaries in the velocity models. Velocity models are specified by a vector of velocities and a same-size vector of depths. The j th velocity is in effect from the j th to the j+1 th depth. The bottom of the model is assumed at infinite depth. Thus v=5000 and z=0 specifies a cons)
    2013-09-16 08:15:48下载
  • function
    This code gives the filter function which has the values as per the various performance metrics.
    2013-04-18 14:04:35下载
  • demo
    说明:  用于说明程序如何可以用于一个点目标的相控阵扫描(to show how the procedures can be used for making a phased array scan of a point target)
    2020-06-05 11:30:53下载
  • ElectromagneticSimulationUsingFdtdSullivan1D
    Electromagnetic Simulation Using__ Fdtd Sullivan书中C语言的程序转写成MATLAB程序。全部都能运行,正确。(Electromagnetic Simulation Using__ Fdtd Sullivan book, written in C language program to switch MATLAB. All to run correctly.)
    2010-07-19 18:02:09下载
  • li-slides
    Bounded-Input Bounded-Output (BIBO) Stability: All poles of H(z) are inside the unit circle for a causal system (where h(n)=0, n< 0). • FIR Filter: N=0. • IIR Filter: N>0. • Minimum Phase: All poles and zeroes of H(z) are inside the unit circle. 19
    2011-06-23 15:25:44下载
  • PSD
    多于22导位的EEG信号提取及功率谱分析,归一化处理(EEG selection and power spectrum analysis)
    2011-09-09 09:09:32下载
  • McluttermatlaA
    基于MATLAB软件的有关雷达杂波的的很多个程序,相信对初学入门者很有帮助 (Based on MATLAB software on the radar clutter of many programs, I believe that is helpful for beginners beginners)
    2012-07-19 17:36:40下载
  • chaopicture
    分别利用一维logistic、三维lorenz混沌映射实现任意尺寸彩色图像加密与解密(像素值及其位置都发生了改变)。密钥为混沌序列初始值。(内有详细说明)(Respectively, using one-dimensional logistic, three-dimensional lorenz chaotic mapping to achieve any size color image encryption and decryption (pixel values ​ ​ and their positions are changed). Key to the initial value of the chaotic sequence. (With detailed instructions))
    2014-01-15 22:23:11下载
  • r_e3vb71
    使用GUI实现的串口编程例子,MATLAB调试环境下的多路串口数据实时绘图显示,具有良好的界面,使用了wsSgGt协议和 wsSgGt协议进行传输。 (GUI programming examples use the serial implementation, multi-channel serial data in real-time graphics display MATLAB debugging environment, has a good interface, use the wsSgGt and wsSgGt protocol for transmission protocol. )
    2016-01-12 15:20:01下载
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