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  GPS software receiver



0 个回复

  • FiberGratingSpectra
    传输矩阵法计算啁啾光栅反射谱 本节中给出传输矩阵法计算啁啾光栅反射谱和 时延的完整M at lab 程序实例, 本段代码在 M at lab513 和W indow s2000 环境中运行通过。运行结果如图8 所示。可以改变光栅长度、有效折射率、折射率调制深度、啁啾系数等参数来获得不同参数下光栅反射谱和时延曲线。如果打开“% 切趾”行的屏蔽符“% ”则可得到切趾后光栅反射谱和时延特性曲线, 此时计算所得的曲线将比图8 中所示的曲线平滑很多。(Transfer matrix method to calculate reflection spectrum of chirped grating is given in this section transfer matrix method to calculate chirped grating reflection spectrum and the delay of a complete example of M at lab procedures, the above code in M at lab513 and W indow s2000 environment to run through. The results shown in Figure 8. Can change the grating length, the effective refractive index, refractive index modulation depth and chirp coefficient parameters to obtain different parameters of grating reflection spectrum and the time delay curve. If you open Apodization line shielding Fu can be grating after apodization reflection spectrum and the delay characteristic curve, the curve at this time will be calculated as shown in Figure 8 a lot of curve smoothing.)
    2008-12-20 15:07:24下载
  • speakerprotected1
    matlab语音识别人程序 (Matlab procedure for Speech Recognition)
    2007-06-21 18:03:43下载
  • beam
    matlab 中梁的弯矩 剪力 变形 轴力图形 以及源程序(matlab in Beams Shear deformation and axial force graphic source)
    2013-11-11 13:42:29下载
  • rx_viterbi_decode
    移动通信系统中常用的维特比解码器的实现程序。(The codes of Viterbi Decoder for mobile communication.)
    2014-02-23 19:58:41下载
  • 978-7-111-29137-4
    说明:  本书以MATLAB为基础,介绍了MATLAB电气系统模型库模块及其功能,并以实例介绍了电力电子和电机控制系统的建模和仿真方法。(MATLAB-based book introduces MATLAB electrical system model library modules and functions, and describes examples of power electronics and motor control systems modeling and simulation methods.)
    2010-04-22 16:23:45下载
  • matlab02_Matrix
    数学软件Matlab 学习资料(大学课件)(The Matlab software learning materials (courseware))
    2013-03-14 02:41:42下载
  • Monte_Carlo_matlab
    simple Monte Carlo tutorial
    2011-12-24 22:32:39下载
  • resShortScanFan
    该程序可以进行扇形的短扫描重建,利用Parker加权函数。得到不错的重建效果。希望对大家有帮助。仅供参考!(This programme is a short-fan reconstruction.On the use of Parker weight function.I hope it will be useful.And the result of this programme is good.)
    2014-01-18 15:16:34下载
  • Matlab_Classification_based_on_BP
    基于BP神经网络的遥感图像分类代码。从样本中提取崇明岛东滩十种地物的光谱特征,并训练BP网络,再利用网络进行分类(BP neural network-based remote sensing image classification code. Extracted from samples of 10 kinds of Chongming Island, Dongtan features of the spectral characteristics and to train BP network, and then use the network to classify)
    2020-12-29 11:09:01下载
  • ct
    说明:  常规OFDM系统容易导致ICI,为了消除ICI,在信号传输前进行编码,本系统为1/2PCC编码,提高系统效率。(Conventional OFDM system easily lead to ICI, is encoded in the signal before transmission, in order to eliminate ICI, this system for 1/2PCC encoding to improve system efficiency.)
    2012-03-23 15:38:18下载
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