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B/s结构,采用 asp.net(C#)+ MS SQL 编写 OA_at

于 2020-06-26 发布 文件大小:2474KB
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  B/s结构,采用 asp.net(C#)+ MS SQL 编写。严格按照三层结构,不失为学习 C#的好例子。安泰OA办公系统自动化系统(B/s structure and Asp. Net (C#) MS SQL prepared. In strict accordance with the three-tier structure is, after all, learn C# a good example. Aetna OA office automation system)






0 个回复

  • services
    windows服务编写,实现windows服务功能,对学习服务编程有帮助(windows service written windows service learning programming)
    2012-08-23 11:41:40下载
    出版商印刷数据库设计 初始条件: 一个印刷书的印刷公司希望建立数据库来处理用户的印刷需要。一本书的出版发行人员提交了一份描述印刷工作的单据,印刷工作需要的使用材料,由购买清单指定。 (Publishers print database design initial conditions: a printed book printing company hopes to establish a database to handle the user s printing needs. A book publishing and distribution staff submitted a description of the work of printing documents, printing requires the use of materials, from the purchase of the designated list.)
    2020-12-03 15:19:25下载
  • process_attemper
    1、 :编写并调试一个模拟的进程调度程序,采用“最高优先数优先”调度算法对进程进行调度。 “最高优先数优先调度算法的基本思想是把CPU分配给就绪队列中优先数最高的进程。尝试静态优先数与动态优先数两种方法: a) 静态优先数是指优先数在整个进程运行期间不再改变。优先数可以在数据输入时指定,也可以根据到达顺序、运行时间确定。 b) 动态优先数是指进程的优先数在创建进程时可以给定一个初始值,并且可以按一定原则修改优先数。例如进程获得一次CPU后就将其优先数减少1。或者进程等待的时间超过某一时限时增加其优先数的值。 2、 编写并调试一个模拟的进程调度程序,模拟实现多级反馈队列调度算法。 3、 编写并调试一个模拟的进程调度程序,模拟实现最低松弛度优先算法。 4、 程序与报告要求: a) 对上述要求1、2、3,至少要完成一项,鼓励尝试多种算法。 b) 输出结果要尽量详细清晰,能够反映调度后队列变化,PCB内部变化。 c) 可以选择在Windows或Linux环境下编写、运行程序 d) 鼓励使用不同的开发工具在不同平台环境上进行开发比较。 e) 在实验报告中,一方面可以对实验结果进行分析,一方面可以对各种算法进行比较,分析它们的优劣,说明各种算法适用于哪些情况下的调度。 (1 : Prepare a simulation and debugging process scheduling procedures, "Priority number of the highest priority" to the process of scheduling algorithms for scheduling. "Highest priority priority scheduling algorithm for the basic idea is to place the CPU allocated to the priority queue highest process. Taste Examination several static and dynamic priority priority number two methods : a) static priority number is priority number in operation during the entire process will not change. priority number in the designated input data, can be reached under the order, running time determine. b) dynamic priority number refers to several priorities for the process of the creation process can be given an initial value, and according to the principle of amending certain priority number.)
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  • cchaxun
    一个课程设计,有个菜单3个功能, 第一个功能是输入姓名,学号,数学成绩和语文成绩,并且储存,然后再确定是否继续.第二个功能的第一个小功能是输出所有已经输入的数学成绩按降顺序排列,然后可以选择返回上级菜单选择第二小功能升序排列所有输入的语文成绩,然后确定是否继续,第三就是功能是输入学号查询成绩,后在确定是否继续.所有的按照表格的形式打印(就是要控制什么空格的). (A curriculum design, there is a menu function 3, the first function is to enter the name, school number, math and language achievement, and storage, and then determine whether to continue. The second section features a small feature is the output of all input mathematics achievement by descending order, and then can choose to return to the higher level menu to select the second ascending order of all the small features of the language input results, and then determine whether or not to continue, the third is to study its function is to enter the query results, in determining whether or not to continue after. All forms of printing in accordance with the table (what is the need to control space).)
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