首页 » Unix_Linux » Linux_Device_Driver_3rd_Edition


于 2010-01-26 发布 文件大小:6585KB
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  Third edition of Linux Device Drivers for V2.6.10 kernel.



0 个回复

  • MATLAB_Simulink-for-power-system
    A book named Matlab/Simulink for power system , writted by YuQun.
    2016-09-20 14:45:34下载
  • driverstudio_tool
    一个对driverstudio工具开发包的详细介绍(A tool kit driverstudio detailed introduction)
    2008-07-16 10:16:28下载
  • aomdv.tar
    The source code of aovdv routing protocol . used to construct route between sendr and reciver
    2014-03-13 16:55:58下载
  • fanjuanjihexinhaofuyuan
    反卷积和信号复原是信号处理技术中具有理论挑战性的分支。由于应用广泛,它一直是研究热点。有关的研究报告散布于各种专业学术技术刊物和书籍。但对于准备从事信号处理的各专业学生和研究人员还缺乏一本反映近期发展、具有引导性和系统性的书。本书希望弥补这种不足。作者对本领域所需要的基础进行了系统的整理,力求本书能包括主要基础,反映重要进展、难点和发展方向。书中强调了反卷积问题的物理起源、理论方法的要点、适应范围和限制;包括了若干程序例子和实际数据,可为读者进入应用提供帮助;同时又包括了系统深入的理论基础和前沿发展,可满足希望进入前沿研究读者的需要。(Deconvolution and signal recovery is a signal processing technology, a branch of theoretical challenge. Due to its wide, it has been a research focus. The study report is dispersed in the various professional academic and technical journals and books. But prepared to engage in signal processing for professional students and researchers still lack a reflect recent developments, with leading and systematic book. This book can compensate for this deficiency. The authors in this area needed a basis for a systematic order, and strive to include the main basis of this book, reflecting the significant progress, problems and development direction. The book emphasizes the physical origin of deconvolution problems, the main points of theoretical approaches to meet the scope and restrictions includes a number of procedural examples and actual data, can help the reader into the application the same time, the system includes in-depth theoretical basis and leading-edge the development of cutting-e)
    2010-01-21 18:22:27下载
  • ultrasonic-horn
    超声变幅杆原理和设计,详细介绍了超声变幅杆的原理及设计,pdf电子书籍(the pricinple and design of the ultrasonic horn)
    2014-01-04 19:48:39下载
  • 卡尔曼滤波与组合导航原理%28秦永元98-带目录+%29
    详细介绍了组合导航系统,主要以惯导系统为主,结合卡尔曼滤波算法设计系统(The integrated navigation system is introduced in detail, which is mainly based on inertial navigation system and combined with Calman filter algorithm design system.)
    2017-12-13 15:51:04下载
  • WaveletSegmentation
    种基于Unit-Linking PCNN和HSI空间的彩色图像分割新方法。(Species based on Unit-Linking PCNN and the HSI space for color image segmentation new approach.)
    2010-03-15 13:25:09下载
  • MATLAB_Programming
    本书是由台湾张智星教授编著的有关MATLAB编程的基础教程,他不同于国内的一些书藉,是一本很好的参考资料。(This book is written by Professor Zhang Zhixing Taiwan edited on the basis of MATLAB programming tutorials, he is different from some of the domestic books, is a very good reference.)
    2008-08-12 09:37:15下载
  • Signal_Integrity_Analysis
    硕士/博士《论文高速电路信号完整性分析》,是nk格式论文,在中国知网上可以下载相应的阅读器。(Master' s/PhD " thesis high-speed circuit signal integrity analysis," is nk format paper, known in China, online you can download the appropriate reader.)
    2009-12-31 17:57:22下载
  • omnet++中文使用手册
    说明:  OMNeT++是一款面向对象的离散事件网络模拟器,详细介绍了omnet++网络仿真模拟平台。(OMNeT++ is an object-oriented discrete event network simulator. The omnet++ network simulation platform is introduced in detail.)
    2019-10-08 18:27:49下载
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