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于 2008-06-26 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  一个基于QR分解的并行原-对偶内点算法,给予matlab,读入数据成为xml文件。 (QR decomposition based on parallel the original- dual interior point algorithm, given matlab, read into the data become a xml file.)



0 个回复

  • ofdm
    好用且容易的OFDM source code 歡迎大家參考 THX(Easy to use and easy to welcome everyone OFDM source code reference THX)
    2007-11-01 13:19:23下载
  • Ztransfer
    这是一个Z变换和Z反变换的matlab程序。(This is an anti-Z transform and Z transform matlab procedures.)
    2008-06-19 22:57:04下载
  • Lorenz
    有关洛伦兹系统的非线性仿真实例的程序,非常经典(this is a program fo lonze nonlinear system)
    2014-09-08 16:13:25下载
  • tracking
    外国一个大学生做了一个精确定位系统,这个系统几乎可以跟踪镜头里的任何物体。只要你能看见它,并把它选中。有兴趣的同学可以下载我传上来的源文件...是用matlab写的...demo文件也在里面 (A foreign university students made a precise positioning system that can track almost any object lens. As long as you can see it, and to select it. Interested students can download the source files I pass up ... with matlab ... demo files are written inside)
    2011-10-26 22:14:34下载
  • pcap-regulator
    PCAP2 Regulator Driver.
    2014-12-10 12:59:55下载
  • fan
    球赛门票的售票处规定每位购票者限购一张门票,且每张门票售价 50元。购票者中有 m位手持50元钱币,另有n人手持100元。假设售票处开始售票时无零钱。问这m+n人有 几种排队方式可使售票处不致出现找不出钱的局面。(The box office ticket sales are limited to the provisions of each ticket purchase a ticket, and the price of 50 yuan per ticket. Ticket-holders have m-bit hand-held 50 coins, and another n armed with 100 yuan. Suppose no small change when the ticket office began selling tickets. M+ n asking a few people queuing up outside ticket office can not find the money to avoid a situation.)
    2009-12-18 01:28:10下载
  • FisherExactTest
    I found it s so terriable to search Fisher s exact test well written in matlab. So here is the file that produces p-value efficient, with good examples, easy for beginner s without any knowledge about theory behind.
    2010-01-27 20:44:56下载
  • cnac
    seismic filter with matlab, it s simple application for seismic reflex-ion filtering noise
    2010-02-14 16:25:38下载
  • 11n
    一篇很好的介绍11n物理层技术的文章,建议做相关工作的可以看看(ieee_circuits_systems wireless LAN Comes of Age Understanding the IEEE 802.11n Amendment)
    2010-05-15 19:16:16下载
  • AQM_matrix_Stability
    AQM网络仿真,编写matlab的.m文件(Copyright (c) 2009-2015, Yang Xiao Copyright (c) 2009, John D Errico All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution * Neither the name of the Beijing Jiaotong University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. )
    2013-09-11 19:29:29下载
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