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于 2011-01-01 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  对信号计算11/2维切片谱,可用来分析二次相位耦合检测。(Calculation of signal 11/2 dimension slice spectrum can be used to analyze the quadratic phase coupling detection.)



0 个回复

  • blindsignalseparate
    盲信号分离算法的实现和应用 大家来看看,应该对大家有点用,不是很长,如果有需要还有别的来发(Blind Signal Separation Algorithm Implementation and Application of everyone to see, we should use a little, not very long. If there is a need to have something else to fat)
    2006-12-25 13:42:26下载
  • matlab_for_hw6
    matlab codes for bcjrfuncion,maxstar and parallel turbo
    2013-04-06 13:08:45下载
  • small-world-networks
    1998年, Watts和Strogatz 提出了小世界网络这一概念,并建立了WS模型。 实证结果表明,大多数的真实网络都具有小世界特性(较小的最短路径) 和聚类特性(较大的聚类系数) 。 WS小世界模型构造算法 1、从规则图开始:考虑一个含有N个点的最近邻耦合网络,它们围成一个环,其中每个节点都与它左右相邻的各K/2节点相连,K是偶数。 2、随机化重连:以概率p随机地从新连接网络中的每个边,即将边的一个端点保持不变,而另一个端点取为网络中随机选择的一个节点。其中规定,任意两个不同的节点之间至多只能有一条边,并且每一个节点都不能有边与自身相连。 (In 1998, Watts and Strogatz proposed the concept of the small world network, and the establishment of the WS model. The empirical results show that most real networks have small world (the smaller the shortest path) and clustering properties (high clustering coefficient). WS small-world model construction algorithm 1, from the rules FIG: consider a nearest neighbor coupling network with N points, they are surrounded by a ring, wherein each node and its left and right adjacent to each of K/2 connected to the node, K is an even number. The 2 randomized reconnection: randomly with probability p from the new connection on each side of the network, coming section of one of the endpoints remain unchanged, while the other endpoint is taken as the random selection of a node in the network. Which states that between any two different nodes can have at most one edge, and each node can not be connected to its own side.)
    2021-04-27 08:08:44下载
  • mbook
    北京航空航天大学出版社张志涌、徐彦琴 主编的matlab教程的notebook版电子文档(Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Press Zhang Yong, Xu Qin matlab Guide editor-in-chief of the notebook version of electronic documents)
    2008-12-18 09:33:57下载
  • graphics
    graphical drawing of matlab files in guide format
    2010-01-06 19:57:17下载
  • MemDEA.ps
    code for lifting... this is the matlab code for liftinf
    2012-04-30 17:33:27下载
  • Con_Exit
    交互信息EXIT图的构建,有助于多迭代算法的理解(Interactive information on EXIT chart building, contribute to the understanding of the iterative algorithm)
    2012-06-11 10:37:08下载
  • TaylorAlgorithm
    该算法在原有的算法基础上提出的TDOA泰勒算法,可以用在传感器定位和蜂窝网定位。且该算法的定位精度比较高。(The algorithm is based on the original algorithm proposed TDOA Taylor algorithm can be used in sensor positioning and cellular location. And the algorithm is relatively high positioning accuracy.)
    2013-07-10 17:21:38下载
  • 1
    说明:  混沌系统的仿真软件,通过分析系统的参数和初始状态来观测混沌系统的运行轨迹。(Chaotic system simulation software, through the analysis of the parameters and the initial state of system to measure the trajectories of chaotic systems. )
    2013-08-26 17:12:10下载
  • laplacian
    laplacian边缘检 图象进行降噪处理 高斯滤波处理(laplacian edge detection image processing Gaussian filter processing for noise reduction)
    2010-05-30 16:16:25下载
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