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于 2008-07-13 发布 文件大小:11149KB
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  在通信中的仿真,很有用,涉及到通信技术中关键技术的仿真(In communication simulation, very useful, related to communication technologies in key technology simulation)



0 个回复

  • DPSK
    simulation of DPSK modulation in AWGN channel
    2010-07-13 23:05:32下载
  • patticle_filter
    一个中科院博士生的关于粒子滤波的博士论文,对相关人员有重大参考价值(A Chinese Academy of Sciences doctoral dissertation on the particle filter, the relevant personnel have significant reference value)
    2010-10-27 11:55:15下载
  • Programming.Pearls
    编程珠玑(第二版)中英双语版,附源代码,是本不错的代码优化指导书(Abas Programming (second edition) in both Chinese and English version, with source code, is the good code optimization guide book)
    2008-06-07 09:13:55下载
  • 雷达在搜索到目标并记录目标的位置数据
    目标跟踪问题的应用背景是雷达数据处理,即雷达在搜索到目标并记录目标的位置数据, 对测量到的目标位置数据(称为点迹)进行处理,自动形成航迹,并对目标在下一时刻的位置进行预测。 ben文简要讨论了用Kalman滤波方法对单个目标航迹进行预测,并借助于Matlab仿真工具,对实验的效果进行评估。 trajectory.m产生理论的航迹,并绘出 Kalman_filter.m 利用Kalman滤波算法,对目标的航迹进行估计 filter_result.m kalman滤波估计的结果,以及估计误差的均值和标准差曲线(target tracking application context radar data processing, radar in search of the goals and objectives of the record location data, for the measurement of target location data (known as trace points), automatic track, as well as the next target location for the moment forecast. Ben paper with a brief discussion of Kalman filtering method to a single target track forecast and using Matlab tool for experimental evaluation of effectiveness. Trajectory.m have theoretical track, and draws Kalman_filter.m using Kalman filtering algorithm, the target track estimated filter_result.m Kalman filtering results, and the estimated error of the mean and standard deviation of curve)
    2021-04-24 07:58:47下载
  • power_standardization
    幂法是一种计算矩阵主特征值(矩阵按模最大的特征值)及对应特征向量的迭代方法,特别适用于大型稀疏矩阵。 但是,一般幂法迭代向量v的各个不等于零的分量将随k 趋向于无穷大而使计算机溢出。因此,我们必须对某通幕法进行规范。即规范化幂法 (Power Method is a calculation of the main eigenvalue matrix (matrix according to the largest eigenvalue modulus) and the corresponding eigenvector of the iterative method, especially for large sparse matrix. However, the general power-law iteration vector v is not equal to zero all the components will be as k tends to infinity overflow of the computer. Therefore, we must pass a law to regulate screen. That is, standardized Power Method)
    2008-02-24 00:11:59下载
  • motor
    几个异步电机仿真模型,启动,翻转,调速等(Several induction motor simulation models, starting, turning, speed, etc.)
    2013-11-01 15:17:14下载
  • RAKE3path
    采用matlab对基于CDMA的3径信道的RAKE接收机的性能进行仿真(Use of matlab' s three tracks based on CDMA channel simulation of the performance of RAKE receiver)
    2009-12-29 18:09:08下载
  • fan
    中央空调系统风机混风模型,simulink模型(Central air-conditioning system fan mixing air model, simulink model)
    2011-05-06 14:23:26下载
    是GPC结合SIMULINK的仿真程序。(GPC combined with SIMULINK simulation program)
    2020-09-09 16:58:03下载
  • QUTS
    最大类间法进行图像的前景和背景的分割,并进行二值化处理(Most kinds of method between the foreground and background of the image segmentation, and binarization processing)
    2014-10-17 20:38:39下载
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