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于 2010-02-12 发布 文件大小:28KB
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  symbian 编辑框测试Demo (symbian edit box Test Demo)



0 个回复

  • c-yu-yan-(e-luo-si-fang-kuai)
    俄罗斯方块是一款风靡全球的掌上游戏机和PC机游戏,它造成的轰动与创造的经济价值可以说是游戏史上的一件大事。它由俄罗斯人阿列克谢• 帕基特诺夫发明,故得此名。俄罗斯方块的基本规则是移动、旋转和摆放游戏自动输出的各种方块,使之排列成完整的一行或多行并且消除得分。它看似简单却变化无穷,俄罗斯方块上手极其简单,但是要熟练地掌握其中的操作与摆放技巧,难度却不低。作为家喻户晓老少皆宜的大众游戏,其普及程度可以说是史上任何一款游戏都无法相比的。相信大多数人都还记得为它痴迷得茶不思饭不想的那个俄罗斯方块时代。由于俄罗斯方块具有的数学性、动态性与知名度,也经常拿来作为游戏程序设计的练习题材。(Tetris is a popular the global handheld console and PC games, it caused a sensation with the creation of economic value can be said that the game in the history of a major event. It invented by the Russians Alexey • Pajitnov, it was this name. The basic rules of Tetris moving, rotating and placing games automatically output a variety of boxes, arranged in a complete one or more lines and eliminate the score. It seems simple, but endless variations, Tetris is extremely simple to get started, but to be proficient in the operation and placed skills, the difficulty is not low. As the household ages Volkswagen games, its pervasiveness can be said that the history can not be compared to any game. I believe most people still remember it was obsessed tea does not think Rice did not want that Tetris era. Tetris has math, dynamic and well-known, often being used as the theme of game programming practice.)
    2012-10-25 17:16:25下载
  • Basic-Ant
    最基本的蚁群算法!转自Excelhome,附大量TSPLIB数据 (The most basic ant colony algorithm! Transfer Excelhome, attached to a large TSPLIB data)
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  • WOpenGL
    基于VC及OpenGL实现的点云的读取,旋转,平移等简单功能的实现(input points)
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  • xuyousheng
    说明:  这是我学生利用Lattice Boltzmann method 做的三个工作,可以用来模拟多孔介质渗流问题(This is my students to use the Lattice Boltzmann method to do the three work, can be used to simulate the problem in Porous Media)
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  • Basler_Pylon-API_Basic
    basler pylon API函数介绍,用于basler相机开发(basler pylon API functions, is used to basler Camera Development)
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  • wincalc
    C.net开发计算器(C.net development Calculator)
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  • pet
    宠物收养平台,为宠物命名,并通过陪宠物玩耍和喂宠物提升亲密度和好感度。(Pet adoption platform, named for pets, and through playing with pets and feeding pets to enhance intimacy and goodwill.)
    2020-06-18 19:20:01下载
  • 《轴承设计系统RBCADS》源代码
    说明:  是专门用于滚动轴承产品设计的计算机软件。使用本软件可以快速设计出绝大多数结构的轴承产品,对于提高企业对市场的快速反应能力,提高轴承产品的设计效率和质量,减少设计错误将发挥积极的作用。软件优越的性能得到客户的一致好评,公认为是轴承行业内功能最强、设计品种最多、使用最为方便的轴承产品设计软件。本滚动轴承设计软件的主要功能如下: ? 对主要设计参数进行优化设计; ? 绘制出产品的二维比例图和三维立体图; ? 绘制出产品装配图和零件图; ? 生成设计计算说明书和进行轴承的寿命计算;(It is a computer software specially used in the design of rolling bearing products. The software can be used to design most structural bearing products quickly. It will play an active role in improving the quick response ability of enterprises to the market, improving the design efficiency and quality of bearing products, and reducing design errors. The superior performance of the software has been praised by customers. It is generally acknowledged that it is the most powerful bearing product design software in the bearing industry with the most design varieties and the most convenient use. The main functions of this rolling bearing design software are as follows: The main design parameters are optimized. Draw two-dimensional scale and three-dimensional stereogram of the product. Draw assembly drawings and parts drawings. Generation of design calculation instructions and calculation of bearing life;)
    2019-04-03 23:52:57下载
  • files
    i want source code for 16c52
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  • BixVReader
    Smart card虚拟读卡器驱动源码,这个很稀少的哦(smart card virtual driver source code.)
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