首页 » Windows_Unix » WINCE设备驱动程序开发指南


于 2020-06-26 发布 文件大小:4250KB
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  介绍了为基于Windows CE的设备开发设备驱动程序的过程,解释了如何创建简单和流接口驱动程序,以及如何实现通用串行总线(USB)和网络驱动程序接口规范(NDIS)驱动程序(introduced for Windows CE-based devices device driver process, and explained how to create a simple interface and flow-driven procedures, and how to achieve universal serial bus (USB) and Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) driver)




0 个回复

  • 44407
    pc wince pc wince poctpc之间蓝牙通信poctpc之间蓝牙通信(pc wince poctpc之间蓝牙通信)
    2012-04-28 16:45:29下载
  • Aplikasi-Surat
    aplikasi surat source code
    2015-01-29 16:19:38下载
  • LEDtest
    基于三星公司s3c2440的led灯显示程序,希望对初学者有用,wince5.0 evc4.0开发的(S3c2440 based on Samsung' s led light display program, hope to be useful for beginners, wince5.0 evc4.0 development)
    2010-05-31 17:17:17下载
  • SDCardTest_ce
    读取SD卡 唯一标识号的程序 在wince设备上运行 可以用于卡加密(Unique identification number to read SD card program in wince run on the device can be used for card encryption)
    2011-11-29 12:41:17下载
  • timerxsc1_kernal_Hal_arm
    PXA255在wince4.2下读写I2C接口实时钟(RTC)以设定系统时间。可以用来学习I2C工作流程或RTC工作原理。替换wince目录下kernalhalarm下的同名文件即可(PXA255 under Wince4.2 I2C interface to read and write real-time clock (RTC) in order to set system time. This code can be used to study the I2C/RTC work flow. Replace the file with same name in the directory of kernal hal arm to work)
    2009-06-26 13:27:57下载
  • cheat-engine-master
    CE6.5.1官方源码黑人修改版本CE6.5.1 official source black modified version(CE6.5.1 official source black modified version)
    2016-06-27 10:57:15下载
  • SMDKV210
    深圳市友坚恒天科技有限公司的S5PV210开发板的WinCE6.0的BSP源码包,里面DOC文件夹里面包含全部文档,在开发板上面可以流畅跑起来,花费8000RMB买到的。(Shenzhen Friends of the Kennedy Hengtian Technology Co., Ltd. S5PV210 development board WinCE6.0 the BSP source package, which DOC folder which contains all the documentation, can be above board in the development and smooth running up costs 8000RMB buy.)
    2020-06-25 21:00:02下载
  • WinCE
    本资料主要针对使用C#进行WinCE应用程序的开发,包括常见问题处理(This information is mainly for use in C# WinCE application development, including frequently asked questions deal with)
    2012-03-13 19:54:05下载
  • KLKJ
    PICs have a set of registers that function as general purpose RAM. Special purpose control registers for on-chip hardware resources are also mapped into the data space. The addressability of memory varies depending on device series, and all PIC devices have some banking mechanism to extend addressing to additional memory. Later series of devices feature move instructions which can cover the whole addressable space, independent of the selected bank. In earlier devices, any register move had VVXXC
    2013-09-12 19:46:14下载
  • SourceGrid4_20
    这是我从国外网站淘来的一个用在WINCE画表格的控件,当时是用在做无线点菜系统,显示台号用的,相信有做过这方面的朋友都知道显示台号的重要性,软件包里面有控件源码,还有实例。(This is my site Amoy come from abroad with a drawing table in the WINCE control, was used to make the wireless ordering system, display station ID used, believed to have done in this area you will be aware of the importance of the display station ID , the package inside the control source code, as well as examples.)
    2010-02-27 17:54:11下载
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