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于 2021-01-19 发布 文件大小:880KB
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  ldpc material about ldpc techniques,like encoding and decoding


...........\Design of a Low Density Parity Check Iterative Decoder.pdf
...........\Low Density Parity Check Codes
...........\..............................\Design and Implementation of Low Density Parity Check Codes.pdf
...........\Notes on Finite Geometry.pdf
...........\SIDDHARTH MATHUR.pdf
...........\........\Regular Density Evolution version 0.1.1.tar
...........\........\Regular LDPC Codes version 0.1 -
...........\........\Regular LDPC Codes version 0.1 -.tar
...........\Space-Time LDPC with Layered Structure for MIMO Systems.pdf



0 个回复

  • Effective-and-More-Effective-CPP
    关于高效的C++编程的电子书,内容很详细,对于C++学习很有用。(About efficient C++ programming e-books, the content is very detailed, very useful for C++ learning.)
    2013-07-21 23:41:17下载
  • maghni
    Lacquering, metallizing, shot blasting and High-quality chemical treatment On all types of metals.
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  • APIandHardware
    介绍如何使用系统自带的API函数访问与操作计算机硬件。(Describes how to use the system s own API function to access and operation of computer hardware.)
    2008-12-11 13:20:45下载
  • lancaozhidian
    浪潮之巅,一本非常不错的书,介绍了信息技术的发展的一些代表企业的历程。(Wave of the summit, a very good book on the development of information technology course some representatives of enterprises.)
    2013-06-09 18:56:01下载
  • ESD_for_mobile
    手机的防静电设计,普通芯片的内部防静电只有2000V,如果得到更高的防静电效果,8000V,15000V等。(Cell phone anti-static design, the general chip' s internal anti-static only 2000V, if the effect of higher anti-static, 8000V, 15000V, etc..)
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  • s3c44b0x_Chinese
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  • Programming.Pearls--(2)
    编程珠玑中文第二版.pdf(包括源码) 本书是计算机科学方面的经典名著,原名Programming Pearls Second Edition 书的内容围绕程序设计人员面对的一系列实际问题展开。作者Jon Bentley 以其独有的洞察力和创造力,引导读者理解这些问题并学会解决方法,而这些正是程序员实际编程生涯中至关重要的。本书的特色是通过一些精心设计的有趣而又颇具指导意义的程序,对实用程序设计技巧及基本设计原则进行了透彻而睿智的描述,为复杂的编程问题提供了清晰而完备的解决思路。本书对各个层次的程序员都具有很高的阅读价值。. (Programming Pearls Chinese second edition. Pdf (including source code) This book is in computer science classics, formerly Programming Pearls Second Edition Contents of the book focus on program design were faced with a series of practical issues. Author Jon Bentley its unique insight and creativity, to guide readers to understand the issues and learn solutions, which is what the programmer actual programming career essential. The book features through some interesting and well-designed program is instructive, for practical programming skills and basic design principles and wise conduct a thorough description of the problem for complex programming provides a clear and complete solution ideas. Book for all levels of programmers have a high value of reading. .)
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  • mesh_generation_pde
    国外经典的网格生成书籍;包括H、O、C型网格及非结构网格的生成算法。(mesh generation book classical )
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