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于 2009-07-03 发布 文件大小:1918KB
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  用Visual C++的API函数来打开、关闭串口和设置串口通讯速率等功能。(Visual C++ using the API function to open and close the serial port and set up features such as serial communication rate.)







0 个回复

  • ad hoc网络mac层协议修改和仿真源
    说明:  ad hoc MAC协议,修改及仿真后的代码,源程序,实现AD HOC网络通信(AD hoc MAC protocol, modified and simulated code, source program, AD hoc network communication)
    2020-04-09 10:42:34下载
  • NICControlClass
    枚举所有网卡、获取设置网卡参数、检查网卡状态、启禁网卡(Enum all NICs,get NIC paramates,check NIC state,enable/disable nic)
    2010-10-13 12:35:40下载
  • VC_MFC-Sample1
    Microsoft Visual C++ MFC串口通信编程详解,主要介绍了用CreateFile()函数和WriteFile()函数读写串口的实例,以及设置 串口属性的实例. 在工业控制中,工控机(一般都基于 Windows 平台)经常需要与智能仪表通过串口 进行通信.串口通信方便易行,应用广泛. 一般情况下,工控机和各智能仪表通过 RS485 总线进行通信.RS485 的通信方式是 半双工的,只能由作为主节点的工控 PC 机依次轮询网络上的各智能控制单元子节点. 每次通信都是由 PC 机通过串口向智能控制单元发布命令,智能控制单元在接收到正 确的命令后作出应答. (Microsoft Visual C++ MFC serial communication programming explain CreateFile () and WriteFile () function to read and write the serial port of the instance, and set the serial port attribute instance in industrial control, IPC (generally based on the Windows platform) often need to communicate with the smart meter through the serial port serial communication easy and widely used normal circumstances, the IPC and intelligent instrument through RS485 communication RS485 communication is half-duplex, only as the primary node industrial PC turn polling network intelligent control unit child nodes. every communication from a PC via the serial port to issue commands to the intelligent control unit, intelligent control unit receives the correct command response.)
    2012-10-11 07:23:02下载
  • VOIP(H323)
    采用H323协议的ip电话通信系统,可以移植裁剪应用。(Ip with H323 protocol telephone system, portable cutting applications.)
    2010-11-22 19:58:20下载
  • bpsknewnochannel
    实现物理层网络编码的仿真,此为无信道编码环境下实现的(network coding)
    2012-04-12 11:41:55下载
  • VCMatlab
    VC++和 Matlab 的 混 合 编 程 具 有 很 大 的 实际意义。 文 讨 论 了如何 使 用 Matlab 的 Complier 将 *.m 函 数 编 译 为 动 态 链 接 库 DLL, 提 供 给 VC++调 用 的 方 法,提 供 了 一 种 VC++与 Matlab 混合编程的 快 速 实 现 。(The mixed programming of VC++ and Matlab has great practical significance. This paper discusses how to use COMplier of MATLAB to compile *. m function into DLL of dynamic link library and provide a method for calling VC++. It also provides a fast realization of mixed programming between VC++ and MATLAB.)
    2018-12-01 15:31:19下载
  • IESS-601E
    iEEE 601 标准 信道编码相关 卫星通信(the standard channel iEEE 601 encoding related satellite communications)
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  • WSF-based
    多径条件下基于WSF的均匀圆阵幅相误差自校正(WSF-based multipath conditions of uniform circular array amplitude and phase error self-correction)
    2013-12-12 13:41:46下载
  • ourdev_598464
    DMX 512协议是Digital Multiplex的缩写,是灯光行业数字化设备的通用信号控制协议,同时也是是一种国际协议。   USITT DMX512/1990是调光和灯光控制台数据传输标准,是娱乐灯光领域常用的控制协议。以前0-10V模拟控制用的比较多,现在DMX512是娱乐灯光行业最主要的控制协议。USITT DMX512/1990是由美国剧场技术协会USITT提出的。最原始的版本出版于1986年,在1990年做了修改。 (DMX 512 protocol is short for Digital Multiplex is light industry, general-purpose digital signal device control protocol, but also is an international agreement. USITT DMX512/1990 is dimming and lighting control data transmission standard, is commonly used in the field of entertainment lighting control protocol. 0-10V analog control previously used more, now is the entertainment lighting industry, the main DMX512 control protocol. USITT DMX512/1990 by the American Association of Theater Technology USITT s. The original version published in 1986, was revised in 1990.)
    2011-12-02 15:44:06下载
  • serialDebug
    调试串口很有帮助,用windowsAPI编写,避免了com控件的局限性(help for serialport debug)
    2012-04-25 10:57:12下载
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