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于 2010-02-22 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  soft thresholding u have to pin out u know what i mean if u know matlab



0 个回复

  • CS(matlab)
    压缩感知,又称压缩采样,压缩传感。它作为一个新的采样理论,它通过开发信号的稀疏特性,在远小于Nyquist 采样率的条件下,用随机采样获取信号的离散样本,然后通过非线性重建算法完美的重建信号。(Compressed sensing, also known as compressed sampling, compressed sensing. It as a new sampling theory, it is through the development signal sparse characteristics under conditions of far less than the Nyquist sampling rate, with a random sampling obtain discrete samples of the signal, and then through a perfect reconstruction of the signal of the non-linear reconstruction algorithm.)
    2013-02-27 13:33:28下载
  • rqam
    rectangular qam simulink
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  • MATLAB-ECG-interface-design
    本文利用MATLAB 提供的图形图像工具箱里的GU ID E工具,进行简单的心电信号界面的菜单和对话框的设计,使心电信号在记录、处理与诊断方面提供了可视化环境。(MATLAB graphics toolbox GU ID E tools the a simple ECG signal interface design of menus and dialog boxes, the ECG recording, processing and diagnosis provides a visual environment.)
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  • upload_车辆路径问题的matlab序(多车型).rar
    求解路径问题,目标函数时间最短,主要适用管科物流等专业学习使用,对时间,空间复杂性没有优化.(Solving the path problem, the objective function time is the shortest, which is mainly used for professional learning and learning, such as tube logistics, and it is not optimized for time and space complexity.)
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  • aa
    说明:  有关机动目标跟踪,卡尔曼滤波相关的资料,对从事卡尔曼滤波研究,机动目标跟踪的朋友有参考价值 (The maneuvering target tracking, Kalman filtering relevant information, engaged in Kalman filtering, target tracking friends have reference value)
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  • BP-NET
    说明:  用动量梯度下降法训练BP网络 已知输入向量为P=[-1,-2,3,1 -1,1,5,3],目标输出为T=[-1,-1,1,1]。 (Gradient descent with momentum BP network training input vector is known as P = [-1,-2,3,1 -1,1,5,3], the target output for the T = [-1,-1,1, 1].)
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  • sudu
    INS/DVL 组合导航 已收敛 有贯导就、四元素解算 航姿校正(INS/DVL integrated navigation convergence has consistently guide on the four-element solver AHRS correction)
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    永磁同步电机弱磁调速系统的仿真.在矢量控制的基础上进行改进,采用弱磁调速,可作为参考.(Permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system simulation weakening in vector control on the basis of improved, using weak magnetic speed, can be used as reference.)
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