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  作为MATLAB的一个重要组成部分,Simulink由于它所具有的上述的两大功能和特色,以及所提供的可视化仿真环境、快捷简便的操作方法,而使其成为目前最受欢迎的仿真软件。 本章主要介绍Simulink的基本功能和基本操作方法,并通过举例介绍如何利用Simulink进行系统建模和仿真。 (As an important component of MATLAB, Simulink because it has the two above-mentioned functions and features, as well as provide visual simulation environment, quick and easy methods of operation, which makes it the most popular simulation software. This chapter introduces the basic functions of Simulink and basic operation methods, and through examples of how to use Simulink for system modeling and simulation.)



0 个回复

  • PF_EPF_UPFduibifangzhendaima
    PF,EPF,UPF的对比仿真代码,可以很直观的看出各种算法之间的差别及各自的优缺点。可直接运行。(PF, EPF, UPF contrast simulation code, it is intuitive to see the differences between the various algorithms and their respective advantages and disadvantages. Can be directly run.)
    2008-12-23 16:24:53下载
  • against_interfere
    这时极短软件抗干扰方面的程序代码,希望对大家有帮助。(very short time the anti-jamming software code, and I hope to be helpful.)
    2006-12-13 17:07:51下载
  • TrackContentProvider
    Track Content Provider implements I Structured Content Provider.
    2014-02-24 10:32:03下载
  • SVM
    采用SVM高斯核,对样本进行分类,输入训练集和测试集,输出SVM分类准确率,采用10折交叉验证(This matlab code uses the SVM(support Vector Machine)to classify, and as the same time it uses the cross validation mathod.)
    2020-12-17 20:59:13下载
  • matlab
    一本关于matlab遗传算法的书, 相信对大家一定有用的。(this book is very useful for ga of matlab.)
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  • 高层筑建减振设计
    主要用于高层建筑的减振设计,根据线性振动理论,用matlab高级语言编写而成,由一个主程序和四个子程序组成(mainly for high-rise building design of the vibration, linear vibration theory, use the advanced language Matlab has been prepared by a main program and four subroutine composition)
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  • main
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  • imagine
    imaginescript with matlab
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  • Linear-system
    本论文采用理论与实践相结合的方法,对用MATLAB去分析线性系统,解决线性系统中的复杂问题做了详细的描述并进行了教学实验仿真。论文的具体内容主要包括:线性系统的时域分析、频域分析和利用MATLAB求解几个方面。(This paper expounds the use of MATLAB software for linear system principle simulation experiment: the temporal domain analysis and analysis in frequency domination area of linear system , )
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  • matlabforcast
    说明:  基于灰色预测,指数平滑预测的几个MATLAB程序,对于预测类问题的数学建模,可以说是必备程序。我的导师给我传的。 funesm1,2,3分别为一二三次指数平滑预测程序 fungry为灰色预测程序 funcoef为时间序列预测程序 pudn为广大的编程爱好者提供了一个交流的平台,我在此先谢谢网站的工作人员,我也会努力编出好的程序,一起同大家分享。(Based on Gray predicted that the number of exponential smoothing forecasts MATLAB procedures, issues for the prediction of the mathematical modeling, can be said to be an essential procedure. My mentor gave me spread. funesm1, 2,3 were 123 times procedures fungry exponential smoothing forecast procedures funcoef gray prediction for time series forecasting procedures for pudn programming for the majority of fans provided a platform for exchange, I would like to thank the site staff, I will strive for a good program, to share together.)
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