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于 2010-03-03 发布 文件大小:1098KB
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  基于语音信号工具箱的隐马尔科夫HMM模型的说话人识别,请联系lishicheng64@126.com(Speech signal based on HMM toolbox Hidden Markov Model speaker recognition, please contact lishicheng64@126.com)



0 个回复

  • voice-conversion--MFCC-GMM
    实现多个人的说话人识别,基于gmm模型,用mfcc参数训练(voice conversion based on gmm)
    2013-10-16 22:52:27下载
  • Speech-processing
    原创,语音合成matlab程序,可改变一段语音的音调,语速等,实现男声变女声,女声变男声等功能。(The original speech synthesis matlab program can change a voice tone, speed, etc., to achieve male changed Girls, female become male functions.)
    2012-04-01 19:51:05下载
  • chapter2-low-bit-rate-speech-coding
    Chapter 2 Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding In this chapter an overview is given of speech coding techniques at several bit rates. Most of them use Linear Prediction. This overview is not meant to be complete its purpose is to make the reader somewhat familiar with Linear Predictive Coding which is necessary for a proper understanding of later chapters. Section 2.1 treats the subject of quantisation and coding. In section 2.2 a description of speech production and speech sounds is given. Coders based on linear prediction can be considered as being based on a simple speech production model. This model is explained in section 2.3. Section 2.4 describes various speech coding algorithms and techniques. Section 2.5 briefly describes some measures for the quality of coded speech.(In this chapter an overview is given of speech coding techniques at several bit rates. Most of them use Linear Prediction. This overview is not meant to be complete its purpose is to make the reader somewhat familiar with Linear Predictive Coding which is necessary for a proper understanding of later chapters. Section 2.1 treats the subject of quantisation and coding. In section 2.2 a description of speech production and speech sounds is given. Coders based on linear prediction can be considered as being based on a simple speech production model. This model is explained in section 2.3. Section 2.4 describes various speech coding algorithms and techniques. Section 2.5 briefly describes some measures for the quality of coded speech.)
    2010-07-02 19:42:42下载
  • rever
    1.进行含噪语音信号的时频分析 2.设计合适滤波器进行去噪 3.进行去噪后信号的时频分析4.设计一个混响器(用四个梳状滤波器和两个全通滤波器(下图所示))来产生回声(通过一个均衡器(Reverberation)
    2009-06-25 15:51:32下载
  • 基于矢量量化(VQ)的说话人算法
    基于矢量量化(VQ)的说话人识别算法源码(A Speaker Recognition Method Based on Modified VQ Algorithm)
    2018-08-11 14:53:16下载
  • pulse_code_modulation
    matlab编写的PCM脉冲编码调制simulink仿真模型,包含对不同频率语音信号的仿真。(Matlab prepared PCM pulse code modulation simulink simulation model, including the simulation of different frequencies of speech signals.)
    2012-05-19 16:24:30下载
  • VoiceModem
    互联网著名国产软件小沁语音信使源代码。使用TAPI接口及语音Modem,实现语音电话自动拨打,语音录制及播放,广泛适用于企事业广告营销。(The use of TAPI interface and voice Modem, realize voice telephone automatic dial, voice recording and playback, widely applicable to the business of advertising and marketing. )
    2015-02-05 09:59:19下载
  • 60368809
    memcached资源demo(已调试通过)(Memcached Resource demo (Debug passed))
    2019-05-09 19:14:17下载
  • speechstt
    c#写的语音识别程序,识别效率还算可以。且根据识别可以给出相应的识别百分比。适合研究语音识别以及tts的参考!(c# to write the speech recognition process, identify efficiency figure. And recognition can be given according to the percentage of the corresponding identification. Tts speech recognition, as well as for research reference!)
    2010-06-01 09:51:14下载
    比较经典的用lms算法实现自适应均衡器的matlab的程序,适合初学者学习(Comparison of the classical LMS algorithm with adaptive equalizer matlab procedures, suitable for beginners to learn)
    2007-11-26 23:19:45下载
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