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于 2011-01-22 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  The file generate kasammi codes



0 个回复

  • ch8example1prog1
    说明:  F分布的参数 随机数样本数量 随机数样本产生(F distribution parameters of random samples of a few number of samples generated random number)
    2010-03-22 11:04:06下载
  • homework-of-matlab-GUI
    matlab GUI 下简单的图书管理系统的小程序,包含有软件设计概要及用户手册,适合初学者入门。(matlab GUI for beginner)
    2020-06-29 22:00:01下载
  • diksha-paper
    Research paper on guided image filtring
    2015-04-10 17:29:56下载
  • re1
    The model used for creating the reference voltage is shown in Fig. 4. First, photovoltaic output current (Ipv) and output voltage (Vpv) are passed through a first order low pass filter with a magnitude of G = 1 and a time constant of T = 0.01 seconds in order to filter out the high frequency components or harmonics from these signals as shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. The filtered current and voltage signals (Ipv_F and Vpv_F) are then fed into the MPPT control block that uses the Incremental Conductance Tracking Algorithm. An algorithm that is based on the fact the slope of the PV array power curve shown in Fig. 7 is zero at the Maximum Power Point (MPP), positive on the left of the MPP, and negative on the right. The MPP can thus be tracked by comparing the instantaneous conductance (I/V) to the incremental conductance (∆ I/∆ V) [11] as in (1):
    2013-07-23 17:51:25下载
  • seid
    大作业上的一个迭代程序,可以供大家试用下(Great job on an iterative process, you can try for your next)
    2011-09-28 11:06:09下载
  • Rotate-Vibration-Analysis
    通过调整转轴转速生成振动信号并对其进行功率谱分析(Speed ​ ​ vibration signal generated by adjusting the shaft and its power spectrum analysis)
    2016-12-16 20:57:45下载
  • ISAR对4个点目标进行仿真成像
    说明:  isar 成像实例,距离多普勒成像方法,比较简单的,适合基础入门(ISAR imaging example, range Doppler imaging method, relatively simple, suitable for basic introduction)
    2021-03-20 10:19:18下载
  • buildgui
    Article about Matlab GUI interface
    2009-06-24 00:47:04下载
  • MATLABSimulinkPID
    用matlab控制PID参数,进行调整,可实现仿真,适合初学者(Matlab PID control parameters to be adjusted, enabling simulation, suitable for beginners)
    2014-01-12 11:04:05下载
  • hydropathy
    这是一个计算氨基酸物理化学性质的程序,可以用于研究蛋白质的性质(This is a calculation of physical and chemical properties of amino acid procedures, can be used to study the nature of protein)
    2008-01-05 15:28:48下载
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